Why I Chose HMI Nutrition School After Prior Education

Angie Bernreuter, RN, BSN, HMI Health Coach, Juice Shop Owner
I found Liana Shanti in 2013 and was so grateful to be a part of the launch of her 66 Day Health Mastery Program! It literally saved my life.
Within the first week of my very first cleanse, I knew I found what I needed. I never again looked for another health program, fad diet or teacher because my health improved so drastically in such a short time. When you know you know!
Liana Shanti’s 66 Day Health Mastery Program taught me how to heal my lifelong, debilitating IBS and migraines, acid reflux, diabetes, high blood pressure, PCOS, psoriasis, anxiety, extreme exhaustion, etc. I no longer take any medications (I was on 6-8 medications) and feel better at 43 than I did at 23!
In 2014, I sadly ignored what I knew in my heart to be my true path, my calling, and ended up starting nursing school. I earned my Bachelor’s of Science in Nursing in December, 2015, all the while questioning my professors about why we don’t teach our patient’s actual healing. I ended up specializing in Cardiothoracic Surgery where I worked until 9/2021.
I was miserable very early on because it was so not aligned. I just wanted to teach my patients how I healed all of my health issues with a high-carb, low-fat, plant-based diet, but that was the exact opposite of what the RD’s were teaching my patient’s just two days post-op of a radical Open Heart Surgery.
I excitedly joined HMI Nutrition School in 2019 and never looked back. After a two month furlough in 2020, I started my all organic, plant-based, gluten-free juice shop called Juice Heal Thrive in O’fallon, IL. I use every bit of what I have learned from HMI and as a student of Liana’s for almost 10 years. We quickly outgrew our kitchen space we rented and opened our brick and mortar on March 15, 2022.
Our sales are already over six figures this year and the sky is the limit. HMI has not only taught me how to heal myself and to show others how to, but the business and manifesting modules take this plant-based nutrition school to the next level.
I’ll forever be grateful for Liana and HMI!