Advance your Health Coaching with Science Based Electives
At HMI Nutrition School, we offer an extensive selection of science based electives. Not only do you get to learn about critical issues like: heavy metal detox, women’s hormones, men’s health, holistic dental health and so much more, but you get protocols that work.
Autoimmune Healing
Finally heal lifelong autoimmune conditions with cutting edge protocols and nutrition intervention.
Beneath all the hype there has been an authentic leap forward in our understanding of what causes skin to age, and it centers on inflammation. Your skin really can look better than ever - regardless of age.
Scientists have discovered that the rate at which you produce brain cells is the single most important factor in your quality of life. Up until recently, scientists believed that your brain cells stopped growing in your 20’s and that mental decline was a natural part of aging.
Help heal damaged teeth; avoid a diet that diminishes integrity of the teeth; remineralize decay; prevent cavities in children; holistically heal gum disease; avoid painful dental procedures.
You've probably already heard of intermittent fasting. But do you know which method of intermittent fasting works best, and how to choose which method will burn the most fat?