Meet the Team
Liana Shanti is a former Wall Street attorney who worked at the top ranked corporate law firm in the world: Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher & Flom.
She has been studying nutrition science for over 30 years after completely healing her body from Lyme disease and the resulting systemic Candida infection that nearly destroyed her health after an extensive course of IV antibiotics prescribed for her Lyme infection. After completely restoring full joint and muscle functioning, Liana pursued extensive science education as an autodidact.
During the process she attended nutrition school and became Certified as a Clinical Nutritionist, and then years later became a Certified Health Coach with the International Sports Sciences Association.
Liana has continued adding to her extensive knowledge base and credentialing by completing the Harvard Health Courses in: High Blood Pressure, Type 2 Diabetes and Cholesterol Management.
Liana is also a Fellow at the prestigious Institute of Coaching, which is based at McLean hospital, the largest psychiatric affiliate of Harvard Medical School.
She is currently completing coursework for a Masters of Science in Psychology to add to her extensive experience in life, business and spiritual coaching, in pursuit of a doctorate.
After working with hundreds of clients one on one, she realized her unique methodologies of healing and wellness needed to be spread farther, so she began her journey online with RawganicVegan and grew her followers to over 100,000 people at a time when there was no paid advertising on social media, the growth was organic.
She created one of the most frequently downloaded juice cleanse and parasite clearing programs “Juice Fast Guide” along with the creation of the “66 Day Health Mastery” Program, an extensive life-overhaul program that has given lifeproof to thousands of people around the world, followed by the best-selling “Heal Candida Now” program that has been used by thousands of people to permanently rid their body of candida.
Please see our client testimonials page for more info.
Liana’s following on social media grew rapidly because of the extensive knowledge she has in the field of nutrition science, but also because of her overall approach to Mind-Body-Spirit health, and her integration of multiple fields of study viewing the human being as a holistic being.
Many of Liana’s clients, after completely healing themselves of everything from candida to acne to infertility, IBS, Crohn’s and a multitude of autoimmune conditions including MS and Hashimotos, and even cancer, through the education they learned from Liana, became passionate about wanting to share their message of healing with family members, friends and others.
Liana investigated a multitude of certification-based nutrition schools, and even examined the path to becoming a Registered Dietician. What she found in the world of RD’s was a controlled and regulated licensing industry which has been repeatedly sanctioned by the courts for “antitrust violations” because of their attempts to have a monopoly over health education.
The Supreme Court recently held that state licensing boards are liable for anticompetitive actions under the Sherman Antitrust Act when they use the power of the state to force out competition. That didn’t sit well with Liana. Neither did online nutrition schools that charge upwards of $8000 for tuition where the graduates feel completely ill-equipped to actually educate their clients.
Liana created HMI Nutrition School as a result of her long journey in the world of nutrition, and because of her extensive education, knowledge and extremely unique approach, attracts an international and diverse student base including Medical Doctors, Naturopaths, Phd’s, Registered Dietitians, Registered Nurses, professional athletes, mothers, grandmothers, and men and women all over the world whose goal is to heal themselves, and then build a career helping others. Please see our Student Testimonials page for more information.
Liana continues to create elective programs and continuing advanced education including: Holistic Healing For Cancer; Holistic Dental Healing; Autoimmune Healing; Heavy Metal Detox; Women’s Hormones Elective; Holistic Skincare Secrets; Children’s Health Elective; Brain Optimization: Neurogenesis; Men’s Health Elective and Intermittent Fasting.
Liana’s very unique and research-based approach to nutrition education, combined with her career as a corporate attorney on Wall Street, and success as an online entrepreneur positioned her to create the best foundation for an online health coaching school where you learn science based nutrition, business creation and success, and self-healing. All from the comfort of your home.
Cahira Noelani is a single mother of four, who graduated HMI Nutrition School in 2014. Prior to enrollment in HMI, Cahira was a Journeyman Tool & Die Designer who worked in tool & die for 5 years designing plastic injection molds. She also worked as a contract designer in mechanical engineering, designing automotive equipment for 11 years.
Cahira began health coaching while she was still going through the HMI program, using the business training modules offered as part of the HMI curriculum. Wihin 60 days after graduation, Cahira’s career as a health coach took her from struggling mom on public assistance to having her own business and being able to take all four of her kids out of public schools and homeschool them. Her two oldest sons are now in four year Universities.
In Cahira’s own words, she says: “ I found Liana's HMI programs in 2012 when she first started sharing nutrition on Facebook. I was struggling with full-blown adrenal fatigue and had destroyed my metabolism with years of dieting. I tried the HMI juice fast first, followed by 66 Day Health Mastery, and was completely blown away! I couldn’t believe how easy it was to lose weight and how amazing I felt!
When Liana created the HMI Nutrition School, I knew this was exactly what I needed to replace my mechanical engineering career. So, despite being a broke, single mom of four young children, I enrolled in HMI. Being immersed in HMI holistic, plant based nutrition for months was bliss. I was so excited when I could help a woman save her uterus from hysterectomy only 13 weeks into HMI!
Within 60 days of completing HMI, I had fully launched my health coaching business. I had no prior experience in health coaching, but I followed the guidance in the HMI business modules exactly.
The business training for health coaches that Liana offers in HMI is like an entire separate business success program THAT WORKS! No other school has anything like it. I have been HMI health coaching ever since, guiding my clients to the most incredible health transformations. Sharing hope when their doctors are out of options.
Within two years of graduating from HMI my client schedule was maxed out, and I had to start referring people to other HMI coaches as they were the only ones I trusted. I realized the enormous need for more HMI health coaches. When Liana offered me the position of Admissions Director for HMI, it was an instant YES!!
I am so grateful for this opportunity to be part of bringing HMI hope and healing to the world. I still have my coaching practice on a much smaller scale, where I recently helped a Registered Dietician/Kidney Specialist heal her own kidneys. It was eye opening because I assumed that being an RD who specializes in Kidneys to know all of what I was sharing with her. Her words to me were “speak to me like I know nothing because all of this education is new to me.”
There truly is nothing else like HMI Nutrition School.”