3 Herbs That Help With Fat Digestion
Have you ever had pain in the upper right portion of your stomach that gets worse after eating fatty foods? One of the common reasons for this is insufficient bile. Of course a low fat, plant based diet can typically resolve gallbladder issues over time. But if you or someone you know is suffering with the gas and pain that comes with inefficient fat digestion, they can take a cholagogue, which is an herb that helps empty the gallbladder of bile so that the liver can produce more. Cholagogues help correct the cause of the gas, rather than merely mask the symptoms which is what over-the-counter medications do. The 3 best cholagogues to take are:
1. Turmeric Root: Turmeric contains a volatile oil along with curcumin. Curcumin acts specifically on bile and has significant anti-inflammatory properties. Mix 1 tbsp with warm water and drink prior to a meal with fat.
2. Milk Thistle Seed Tea: Milk thistle tea increases the secretion of bile from the liver and gallbladder. It also detoxifies the liver and is used to reverse liver damage from exposure to toxic chemicals. 1 tsp of ground seeds to one cup of hot (not boiling) water.
3. Dandelion Root: Dandelion root is used to promote bile flow and is also a diuretic high in potassium. It is used to counteract liver and gallbladder congestion. You can either drink dandelion root tea or eat fresh dandelion leaves.