The Amazing Benefits Of The Aloe Vera Plant

aloe vera plant

Natural aloe vera gel has some incredible potential health benefits.

In a study done in the UK, researchers gave people with active ulcerative colitis, (inflammatory bowel disease), aloe vera gel to drink (raw gel, not processed commercial juice). After four weeks of drinking aloe vera gel in water twice per day, there was improvement and even remission in some people of ulcerative colitis, compared to those given plain water.

When referring to the benefits of aloe vera gel either taken internally or applied topically, I am referring to the live plants where you extract the gel yourself. It is best to use a fresh plant and extract the gel either directly onto your skin, or soaking cut leaves in pure water to use for consumption. You can add the gel to raw juices or even smoothies.

There are some health food store brands that are organic, pure and raw, but I would recommend using caution and look for purified aloe vera gel. Make sure that whatever product you use does NOT contain Aloin, which is a substance that has been shown to cause serious health concerns in lab tests.

Like all herbs, aloe should be used with care and knowledge to make sure it is appropriate for your health, and shouldn’t be used by pregnant women unless approved by your health care provider. Extensive and long-term use can lead to loss of electrolytes, especially potassium.

Other Benefits Of Aloe Vera:

  1. Alkalizes the body.

  2. It is an adaptogen, which means it helps stabilize natural systems in the body and can protect it against illness and disease that result from imbalances.

  3. Aids in digestion.

  4. Boosts the immune system.

  5. Beautifies the skin when applied topically, and taken internally.

  6. Helps reduce inflammation in the body.

  7. Aloe vera is an anti-bacterial. Aloe Vera’s active ingredients are sulphur, lupeol, salicylic acid, cinnamic acid, urea nitrogen and phenol which are substances that prevent the growth of disease-causing microorganisms and act together to provide antimicrobial activity. This can help eliminate many internal and external infections.

  8. Can help treat fungal and viral infections.

If you can get a plant and keep it growing either inside or outside your home, you will have a powerful health ally that you can use at any time!


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