What Every Woman Needs to Know About Progesterone


Many women today are very low on natural progesterone produced in the body. Progesterone is one of the most powerful hormones for GREAT health on so many levels. Progesterone:

  • Protects against breast fibrocysts

  • Utilize fat for energy

  • Acts as a Natural anti-depressant & calms anxiety

  • Prevents cyclical migraines

  • Promotes normal sleep patterns

  • Balances thyroid hormone function

  • Helps normalize blood sugar levels

  • Normalizes blood clotting

  • Helps restores normal libido

  • Normalizes zinc and copper levels

  • Restores proper cell oxygen levels

  • Can prevent endometrial cancer

  • Can prevent breast cancer

  • Stimulates new bone formation

  • Can prevent autoimmune diseases

  • Thickening of the lining of the uterus each month, preparing to receive and nourish a fertilized egg.

  • A developing embryo and fetus through pregnancy

There are some natural ways to influence and support healthy progesterone production when progesterone levels are low. Four of these ways include:

  1. Supplementing with Maca: Maca influences the production of estrogen, testosterone and progesterone supporting hormonal balance. Excess estrogen in the body causes low levels of progesterone. Taking maca can help balance the estrogen to progesterone ratio.

  2. Supplementing with DIM (diindolylmethane): DIM helps the body metabolize and detoxify from excess estrogens, caused by many of the foods we eat and substances we are exposed to.

  3. Avoid Toxins to the Extent Possible. Most of us are exposed to excess estrogen and toxins often referred to as xenoestrogens. Xenoestrogens come from pesticides and herbicides in feed for animals which people then consume in mass quantity, hormone-treated animals that people consume, body care and household products including plastics. Also, consuming caffeine regularly, is also known to contribute to toxin overload and estrogen dominance.

  4. Lose weight. Excess estrogen is stored in body fat. Being overweight contributes to hormonal imbalance because fat cells convert the hormone androstenedione into estrogen. Estrogen is then stored in fat cells and slowly released into the body. The more body fat, the more potential for excess estrogen and thus, less progesterone.


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