Potassium Booster Performance Smoothie
While it is generally not recommended to take potassium supplements, getting sufficient potassium via natural foods is critical to health. Potassium is a positively charged electrolyte that determines how certain systems within the body deal with other electrolytes like sodium and calcium.
When you are low on potassium, you often have corresponding high calcium levels being excreted by your kidneys, which can lead to kidney stones.
There are three buffering system within the body that work to maintain the correct acid/alkaline balance, and potassium is involved in the buffering. Potassium binds with sodium bicarbonate ions to help the body’s acid-base balance.
So if you are low on potassium, you are more likely to end up with acidic blood serum, because calcium will be leached from the bones in order to increase alkalinity as the body tries to compensate for the lack of potassium. Try this delicious recipe to help pump up the potassium! The flax in this recipe will help balance hormones and provide a healthy source of essential fatty acids.
2 frozen bananas
1 kiwi
1 handful baby spinach
1 tbsp flax seeds
1 cup almond milk
Blend and Enjoy!