Pina Colada Mood Balancing Smoothie
INGREDIENTS: 1 cup pineapple (fresh or frozen), 2 frozen bananas, 1 tsp vanilla bean powder (or vanilla extract), 1/4 cup fresh coconut, 1 tsp. maca powder, 1 cup coconut water. Blend and enjoy!
Spiced Mango RawganicVegan Ice Cream
This is dinner. Well, tonight it is. It is super hot and humid, and raw ice cream is a perfect refreshing and nutritious choice. Filling too! You can make many different variations, I happen to love the combination of star anise with mango. The cinnamon gives it a little added depth.
Peaches and Creme Smoothie
“PEACHES”: 1 Cup frozen organic peaches, 1/2 carrot, 1/2 cup almond milk, 1 TBSP. coconut nectar (or sweetener of choice), Ice. Blend and pour into glass. CREME: 1 Frozen ripe banana, 2 vanilla beans scraped out (or 1 1/2 tsp pure vanilla), 1 TBSP. Lucuma, 1 tsp. non-gmo soy lecithin, 1 TBSP Coconut butter, 1/2 cup water, Ice. Blend and scoop out of blender onto PEACHES!
Three Rawsome Post Workout Smoothies to Feed Your Muscles
So we hear a lot about “post workout” food choices. In fact there probably millions of blogs right now talking about this topic. But what exactly IS post workout nutrition and why should you care about it? If you eat healthy all the time, does it really matter? Well, the short answer is yes, it actually does.
Protein Iron Coco-Carob Smoothie
This is the perfect energy smoothie with satiating protein, healthy fat which helps your body absorb the iron in the molasses, and slow burning carbs. Not to mention it’s totally delicious! It’s an awesome morning smoothie because it will give you sustained energy without the jitteriness or crash you get from coffee. Carob is not quite as popular as cacao, but is a great complement to the diet, especially for those looking to lower bad cholesterol.