Health and Life Coaching. Elevated.

Become a Credible, Confident, and Empowered


With the most complete, life-changing, grounded, transformational education available.


Years of transforming lives in over 90 countries around the world.

60 Days.

The average time it takes for students to start earning money as a coach.

The age range of HMI students, including licensed medical doctors, PhD psychologists, dentists, Registered Dieticians, Professional Athletes, Registered Nurses, Pharmacists, Recent College Graduates, Stay at Home Moms, Burned Out Corporate Employees, and people who want to make a difference.


What Makes HMI Different?

We offer the most powerful, comprehensive, unique and PREMIUM Health and Life Coaching Available.

As an HMI student you will gain what no other health coaches in the industry have: the ability to radically transform lives. At HMI, you don’t just learn nutrition “theories”, you are given TOOLS and protocols that change lives.

Continue reading to find out why so many of our students enroll EVEN AFTER they have already graduated from the biggest online health coaching schools, and why they all tell us the same thing: “I wish I had found HMI before spending $7,000 on another school only to find out I was not equipped to actually help anyone.”

With HMI's Health and Wellness Coaching Certificate, you can gain an education that many students feel exceeds their bachelor’s degree in terms of what they learned, and most importantly, without having to spend tens of thousands of dollars and graduate without a career. As an HMI graduate, you become a highly qualified health coach in less than a year.

This certificate program is open to anyone seeking a new career, and offers a detailed curriculum and academic certification with an excellent reputation for graduating the most qualified coaches in the health coaching industry. Transform your health, your income, and the lives of others in just eight months with HMI’s Health and Wellness Coaching Program.

At HMI we understand the importance of teaching you information that actually works. 

That’s why our entire course program is based on 50 years of nutrition science concluding that plant based diets prevent the diseases that are responsible for almost all illness in our modern world: diabetes, heart disease and cancer.

At HMI Nutrition you will become a highly qualified plant based health coach after 8 months of devoting your studies to plant based nutrition. You will receive extensive training throughout HMI’s 26 in-depth Modules on everything from understanding liver health, detoxification, how the body processes nutrients, micronutrients and macronutrients, adrenal and hormone health, supporting the musculoskeletal system, nutrition through the life stages from birth through old age, and what the nutrition requirements are at each stage.  With each module, you will have access to lectures and coaching practices to further develop your skills as a health coach. through our comprehensive health coaching certification program.

With the mass confusion in the world of nutrition today people are looking for someone who has in-depth knowledge, and they get it with an HMI practitioner.

“Health Coaching is one of the smartest, most lucrative career choices in the economy today. It is part of a four trillion dollar industry and growing. If you want to make a difference and be well paid this is clearly the place to be.”

— Forbes Magazine

Find The Best Course For You


The HMI Holistic Health Coach Certification Program

The most comprehensive, science-based education available to get certified as a plant based holistic health coach.



The Quantum Mind-Body Therapist Certification

TThis program is an industry-disrupting, life-changing, groundbreaking course at a “masters level” of learning. It is perfect for you if you dream of being a well-paid life coach equipped with the tools of psychology, spirituality, and quantum energy medicine needed to empower true transformation in your clients.


Niche  Programs For Specialist Certifications

Certified Autoimmune Specialist


Certified Women’s Hormone Specialist


Certified Heavy Metal Detox Specialist


Certified Weight Loss Specialist


Certified Neuro-Optimization Specialist


Certified Children’s Wellness Specialist




At HMI, our foundational philosophy is that we can’t change the future if we keep doing things the way they’ve always been done. Your education at HMI is based on extensive research in plant based health and wellness. We give you depth of learning so your knowledge base is extensive. You will learn much more than a multitude of “popular” fad diets that aren’t based in science. We also empower you with mind, spirit and financial wellness education so that you can graduate ready to help people truly change their lives.  No other school teaches all of these aspects.


At HMI, we don’t enroll thousands of students where you become just a number. We limit enrollment.  Why does that matter? It matters because we have successfully built a strong community of heart-centered, compassionate wellness coaches. We’re not in a race to see how many thousands of students we can cram through a multiple choice quiz mill. We are genuinely focused on teaching you what you need to know to be effective in your practice. Not just on paper.


At HMI, we empower you with cutting edge marketing and business tools that no other school offers. Forget vague ideas about the various ways to start a career in health coaching. We empower you with marketing and business training and tools, critical sales and marketing knowledge, and implementation systems that include programs and products.

  • Imagine living a life of true prosperity, enjoying a vitally alive, healthy body through which you experience relationships that are satisfying and intimate, honest, and nurturing; work you love so much that it’s not work-it’s a passion; and financial abundance. That’s what our graduates experience.

    — Liana Shanti


Give The Body What It Needs. Every body needs the nutrients from food in order for the cells and systems to function well. Many of us are nutrient starved even though we take in plenty of calories. The most nutrient dense foods are whole, fresh, organic and plant based and they are crucial for our physical health. and overall health. Our profound dissatisfaction with our bodies, our energy levels and our health is directly related to the devitalized nature of what we are feeding ourselves. The unique and in-depth curriculum at HMI shows you step-by-step how to implement evidence based nutrition into your own life, and how to create lasting change in your clients so you'll be in high demand.


Set Your Emotions Free. When emotions that we have not dealt with rise to the surface, we often eat to suppress them. Then, when we eat food that doesn’t fit into our beliefs about what’s healthy or allowed on our current diet we feel guilt and frustration. We're controlled by so many emotions around food that it’s no wonder that we can’t hear what our body and intuition are telling us. In order for Deep Healing to occur, we need to create an environment in our lives where all emotions are welcomed and integrated, so that they are no longer interfering with our ability to access clarity and intuition. HMI has a unique approach to helping you free your emotions, so you can in turn, help your clients to the same. A vibrant and passionate life is the goal!


Having Financial Independence And Security Is A key Part In Living Your Best Life. When people are struggling to pay their  bills, or not ever truly having the freedom to do the things they want to do most, it can create stress, strained relationships, and sadness. In reality, most people have never taken the time to really examine what wealth or true prosperity really looks like for them. Our specially designed Business Training Modules provide you with world class business knowledge and tools, gained from decades of experience in successful business creation and operation.

The Wellness Industry is the
Fastest Growing Industry On The Planet

Did you know that Wellness is a $4 Trillion Global Industry? That industry analysts predict more growth ahead?

“Prevention-challenged traditional healthcare systems, and an obesity and chronic disease crisis, are simply costing people and governments too much. So, it’s a very good bet that the double-digit annual growth rates across these wellness sectors we’ve tracked these last few years should continue, as more people proactively change the way they eat, exercise, travel, work and live.”

So with the market being the fastest growing industry on the planet, why are so many health coaches, wellness practitioners, and people in the healing arts struggling financially? Why are they unable to turn their gifts into financial freedom and abundance?

There are many reasons for this and after interviewing a wide variety of wellness coaches, Liana came to understand that they have never been given proper business training. Most had received a little knowledge about “business”, but were never given the tools to implement a fully functioning business plan — one that could enable financial abundance whether as a home-based business, internet business, or face to face client based business. But it’s not just business training.

Ophelia Yeung, senior consultant, Center for Science, Technology & Economic Development

HMI’s Holistic Health Coach Program

At HMI, You Learn How to Remove Limiting Beliefs and
Release Energetic Blocks to Abundance and Prosperity.

Can you imagine the peace and beauty in your life when you are living your passion and purpose and thriving at it?
Our students can!

Even with the best business training in the world, limiting financial beliefs, energetic blocks to abundance, and a misunderstanding of the use of money as energy will stall even the best of plans. We all know many people with great ideas, great talents and gifts, and business knowledge. Yet, they struggle to gain a level of financial security that they desire. All of the education in the world will not be of any use if you are blocking your roads to abundance and prosperity. 

HMI’s cutting-edge curriculum teaches you the core principles of abundance and prosperity to live your most authentic life. In order to truly live the life you want, travel when you want, spend your days doing something you are passionate about, you need to work with the natural universal laws of abundance and prosperity.

HMI Wellness. Health and Life Coaching. Elevated.