Centripetal Force in Foods and How You Can Thrive With It


The Key To Health Is Ignored by Mainstream Nutrition on All Sides.

Science, research and facts are critical to understanding health. But within the woefully confused field of nutrition, a core component of life is being ignored while barkers on all sides are arguing the mind-numbing iterations of "diets".

What is your approach to nutrition? Do you search for a specific "diet"? Do you get swept up in every one of the latest fads? Or do you look at what you are ingesting on a daily basis in terms of its effect on centripetal or centrifugal force and cellular health?

I often get asked questions like "what about Paleo? What about Atkins? What about Shakeology? What about Juice Plus? Collagen? Butter in my coffee? Bone broth? 80-10-10? What about ______________ (fill in with the latest commercial marketing).

If you want to truly THRIVE among the unavoidable onslaught of toxins and chemicals in our food, air, and water, there is a much more powerful question to ask: what effect are the foods I am consuming having on my cellular health? Are they enhancing or deteriorating them? Is my physical dense matter, along with the (invisible but known to science) energetic components within each cell thriving or decaying with these foods?

In order to thrive is vitally important to put the focus on keeping the integrity of your cells and tissues strong and life-generating, with a focus on centripetal force, which brings about Negentropy.

Centripetal force is defined as, “The component of force acting on a body in curvilinear motion that is directed toward the center of curvature or axis of rotation,” while centrifugal force is defined as, “The apparent force, equal and opposite to the centripetal force, drawing a rotating body away from the center of rotation, caused by the inertia of the body."

In other words - centripetal force is life-enhancing and life-creating, and centrifugal force is life-destroying.

The foods that we consume either contribute to life force, or cause decay within the body. There is no middle ground. The same thing can be said for the environment we are in.

All disease stems from varying degrees of decay within the cells, which has at its basis, both energetic (including emotional and mental) and physical (including our food and our physical environment) roots.

With nutrition, the focus is to understand which foods promote negentropy, where a system becomes more highly organized than the surrounding space, rather than entropy (decay).

Which foods and substances cause decay, rot, and centrifugal force?

First on the list are pharmaceutical drugs. They are at the apex of entropy-causing substances, along with heavy metals like mercury, and radiation.

Next are preservative containing processed foods, which are incredibly low water content. Low water content foods tend to coagulate in the tissues of the body. This includes of course, processed vegetable oils, all canned and boxed foods, frozen dinners, boxed macaroni and cheeses, canned soups, boxed cereals, processed yogurts, bags of chips, cookies, processed cakes and ice creams, all if it - highly damaging and centrifugal force causing.

Next down the chart would be all mainstream animal flesh products, regardless of how "fresh", that have been treated with hormones, antibiotics and GMO feed, followed by any/all animal products including "grass fed" "organic" and "hormone free".

When a living being dies (including you or I) the tissue is known as NECROTIC TISSUE. Think about it. The sight of a rotting corpse is, for most of us, unsettling at best, and repulsive and frightening at worst, the stuff of nightmares. Right? And we know rotting flesh begins to go from red/pink to grey/black in a very short period of time.

So rather than ask the question of which "diet" is best - framed in the propagandized lingo of "should I go Paleo", "Atkins", etc.... ask yourself a basic fact:

Does your deepest intuition tell you that rotting, decaying, necrotic tissue is energizing and life affirming?

Will it keep you alive for a while? Of course. We all know the body needs calories from the macronutrients of proteins, carbs and fats. That's a no-brainer. We also know that the human body is INCREDIBLY adaptable and will perform radical feats of adaptation in order to keep us alive regardless of the abuse we inflict upon it. Only until it can't do that anymore, and the internal diseases that have been growing for years within our tissues, finally begin to manifest externally.

Dead tissue (animal flesh) is decomposing every minute. This is what you are eating when you are eating animal flesh. This is the reason animal flesh including fish, is dyed and has such a short shelf life.

For some people transitioning to a higher centripetal life-affirming diet, they may find a use for these foods as they gradually eliminate the items at the top of the list. Sometimes, a rapid transition from a high load of decaying foods to a high load of negentropic foods can cause difficult cleansing reactions within the body. But ultimately, to thrive, you want to look at whether these foods should have ANY role in your diet.

Dairy and refined starches would be next, in terms of centrifugal force foods. Both are heavy in the system and both cause the build up of mucoid plaque.

The lowest entropy foods, which contribute to the higher CENTRIPETAL force, are: organic herbs such as dandelion, mint, parsley, cilantro, basil, arugula etc... followed by wild or organic greens (lettuces, spinach, kale, chard, etc...).

These should be a DAILY component of the diet. They provide the body with the sun's energy in the form of chlorophyll, and help the body release rot.

Next are all organically grown vegetables from cabbage to broccoli, tomatoes to cucumbers, beets, carrots, bell peppers, etc....

Next in terms of beneficial foods are fruits - an an amazing high centripetal force food. But they MUST be organic. Additionally, so much of the fruit accessible to most people (unless you live in a tropical region and can access local fruit all year long), is hybridized to contain unnatural levels of sugar and a decrease in minerals. So try to find locally grown, IN SEASON fruits as much as possible. In other words, living in the Northeast in the winter and sourcing pineapple and mango simply because you can find it in a store near you, may not be the best thing for you. It was likely picked far too soon for the proper development of the nutrients, and was also likely to be hybridized to travel long distances, and likely contains an imbalance of sugar versus other nutrients.

I am a huge advocate of consuming lots of fruit. But I live on a tropical island and have fresh, local, organic fruit available 12 months a year. KEEP IN MIND: Any fruit is a far superior choice to a box of cereal, a packaged yogurt, a slice of refined bread, a frozen diet meal, a handful of cookies, some chips, beef jerky (decaying flesh + sugar + preservatives), or a piece of decaying flesh. So you be the judge as to what is working at the cellular level.

SIMPLIFY YOUR LIFE AND THRIVE. Avoid getting confused by individual diets, focus on the life-generating principles above, and realize that the goal is to use your inner wisdom, get in touch with your intuition, factor in all of the above, and make the best choices that are available to you - where you are at - in any moment.


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