Food For Body and Soul
Food is sacred, and how and where we eat is often as important as what we eat. Our first contact with nourishment comes from our mothers upon birth, which fed not only our bodies but fed our souls as we were held, comforted, loved and fed from the breast of our mothers. One reason living and raw plant based foods offer so much sustenance to both body and soul is because of the high quality of nutrients and energetic vibrations. We know energy is powerful, and the energy of fresh - life - sunlight - chlorophyll from greens.... is an energy that sustains us in Body and Soul.
There are other ways to add mindful intention to your meals, increasing your overall "nourishment". Here are 5 tips:
PREPARE WITH LOVE: Prepare your food while being mindful of your intentions. Cook (or uncook) with love. As you prepare your foods for yourself or others, know that your energy and intention brings your own healing energies into the creations you serve, no matter how simple or complex.
CLEAN POTS: The vessels you use to prepare and store your soulful, nourishing foods matters. Remove all plastics from your kitchen, avoid cooking in aluminium pots and nonstick pans. Be aware that many ceramics contain lead. Stick with glass, high quality stainless steel, and cast iron.
DETOX THE KITCHEN: Do a "kitchen cleanse" removing all packaged, processed and fast foods along with white sugar and flour. Eat organic. Avoid preservatives, additives, and other chemicals in your food.
CLEANSE YOUR SPACE: Smudge your kitchen/meal space with sage, or burn frankincense and myrrh resins to clear out stagnant, old energies. Clean with essential oils. Add add 20 drops each of lemon, lavender, and peppermint to 2 cups of water into s spray bottle for an all purpose kitchen cleaner that is antiviral, anti fungal, antibacterial and disinfectant.
GROW: Growing some of your own food is such a powerfully healing experience. Every day we try to eat some of our fresh bananas, papayas, coconut, oranges, avocados or herbs from our land. If you don't have land to grow on, grow some fresh herbs on your kitchen window, or small tomato or strawberry plants you can grow on a small patio.
Ultimately, taking care of your nourishment by being mindful of your energy and intentions, and focusing as much on HOW you eat as WHAT you eat, will provide you with incredible healing benefits that can transform your entire state of being.