Soaking And Sprouting Mini-Class
We often hear that we need to “soak our nuts”, as well as seeds and grains, before consuming. But, really, how important is it? And, how exactly do we do it? Nature has an ingenious mechanism to protect nuts, grains and seeds, so they survive until the best growing conditions are present. Nature’s own defense mechanism provides enzyme inhibitors and toxic substances on the nuts, seeds and grains, including phytates, polyphenols, and goitrogens.
The Truth About Food Combining “Rules”
I get asked this question all the time: do I follow food combining “rules” and are they important? It’s a popular topic, but what really works and what takes food combining a little too far are two different things. There are some “experts” out there who tell people that their digestive issues are due to poor food combining. More often than not, the digestion is compromised due to limited release of HCL, enzymes, bile, poor gut flora, gut inflammation and other issues that are regularly misdiagnosed.