Benefits Of Reishi
IMMUNE BOOSTER AND REGULATOR - Reishi significantly improves the functioning of the immune system, and is considered to be an immune modulator. Reishi also contains rare polysaccharides which have been proven to increase the RNA and DNA in the bone marrow.
LIVER HEALTH - Research shows that Reishi can help regenerate the liver. Powerful compounds found in Wild Reishi help to accelerate the clearance of drugs and chemicals that the liver stores, relieving free radical activity and promoting cell regeneration.
Shakeology Review: Another Network Marketing Miracle
I have to say first and foremost Beachbody has some great programs. I personally love Chalene Johnson’s workouts, and often recommend her Turbo Jam as a good way to get 2-3 days a week of some Hiit exercise in. I always give credit where credit is due. But as always, I research, examine, consider, and then provide non-biased information so that my friends, family, clients, readers, and HMI community can be armed with what is real. My realness knows no bounds, and sometimes it upsets people’s paradigms and so they get defensive or run for the hills. I get it.
How Wheat Damages Our Bodies And Causes Weight Gain
Today’s wheat is not the wheat of our grandparents. Today’s wheat is short, dwarf wheat that has been scientifically bred within the last 50 years to withstand harsh conditions and an onslaught of pesticides. In fact, the person who engineered today’s wheat won a Nobel Prize because his wheat was supposed to solve the world’s huger. Instead, it has contributed greatly to diseases that begin with inflammation. Today’s wheat has much higher amounts of both starch and gluten, as well as double the amount of chromosome coding for new HIGHLY ADDICTIVE proteins.
Coffee, Inflammation And Insulin Resistance
Coffee is not just a cup of caffeine. It is a complex drink with hundreds of different compounds in it. We know that insulin resistance and inflammation are the foundation of most chronic diseases, and coffee contributes to both of those health concerns. If you’re still addicted to that morning coffee, here are 8 things to consider that may change your mind. 1. ADRENAL HEALTH: While a cup of coffee consumed infrequently may not be problem for most people, the constant consumption of coffee taxes your adrenal glands by pumping you full of adrenaline.
6 Candida Friendly Juice And Smoothie Recipes
Sometimes it’s not all about the fruit. At certain times and for a variety of reasons you may want a fruit-free juice or smoothie. I have many clients who are on my Candida Recovery Program, and for them fruit is temporarily off limits. It can be hard at first, especially for people who have an addiction to sugar. I’ve had clients who have sailed through 60 day or longer juice cleanses without a hitch, yet the first three or four days of drinking juices without fruit becomes a true challenge. This is often a key sign that there is an overgrowth of candida fungus.
Antibacterial Products Increase Fat Cell Growth
Still using antibacterial soap and handwipes? I hope not! For years now we have all been running and hiding from bacteria and trying at every instance to kill it. But now science has determined that we can’t live without it. One bacteria, for example, has the ability to produce 260 different enzymes that help us digest carbohydrates and extract their nutrients! Importantly, our bodies do not have the genes to produce the enzymes. So if you don’t have the bacteria you will not extract the nutrients from the food.
Acrylamides: High Temp Cooking And Cancer
Another reason why the high raw, plant based, low fat diet is healthiest. Eating a diet high in vegetables and fruits, with moderate consumption of nuts, seeds, beans and some grains provides you with all of the nutrients you need for health while leaving out the foods that cause illness: including acrylamides. I’ve been writing about acrylamides for years now, and everyone who has been in my 8 Week Raw Body Reset knows that we avoid acrylamides at all costs. They are one of the most damaging substances found in foods cooked at high temperatures.
Are You Soaking Your Nuts?
On my first couple of attempts raw, I was a bit intimidated by the whole issue of soaking and dehydrating nuts and seeds. Nuts and seeds are an important part of a raw vegan lifestyle, and I wanted something more than just plain nuts and seeds sometimes, and I certainly did not enjoy spending $9.00 for a small bag of raw trail mix. I also wanted to offer my husband and kids raw vegan treats and snacks that they would enjoy. So, I eventually found a way to just simplify the whole thing.
Be Careful Which Cinnamon You Choose
Many of us love the taste of cinnamon, I know I do! And considering the fact that cinnamon contains phytochemicals that enhance insulin signaling and facilitate glucose uptake and storage by the body’s cells, it’s a great spice to add to your daily diet.But did you know that all cinnamon is not really cinnamon? And that mostly what you find in your grocer, health food store, big box stores like Costco, is actually Cassia?
Why We Eat All Colors Of The Rainbow
We all know that beautifully colored fruits and vegetables are important. But many people aren’t exactly sure which colors are related to which benefits. Here is a handy list you can refer to when you are considering the many health benefits you will get from eating the rainbow!
The Truth About Food Combining “Rules”
I get asked this question all the time: do I follow food combining “rules” and are they important? It’s a popular topic, but what really works and what takes food combining a little too far are two different things. There are some “experts” out there who tell people that their digestive issues are due to poor food combining. More often than not, the digestion is compromised due to limited release of HCL, enzymes, bile, poor gut flora, gut inflammation and other issues that are regularly misdiagnosed.
Sweet Potatoes For Immunity!
Sweet potatoes are one of the greatest sources of beta-carotene of all vegetables, even higher than carrots. One small sweet potato contains 369% of your daily need of vitamin A! They are also loaded with vitamin C, potassium, calcium, and carbohydrates, and are a good source of fiber, as well as a rare low-fat source of vitamin E. The Center for Science in the Public Interest ranked sweet potatoes as number one in Vitamins A and C, folate, iron, copper calcium, and fiber.
6 Foods For Stress And Anxiety
Stress and anxiety can seem to be a normal everyday occurrence for many people. So many of us just become accustomed to a high stress level, until it is soon perceived as acceptable. But over time this chronic stress and the resulting constant stream of cortisol creates long term damage including premature aging, weight gain, high blood pressure, and contributes to many other diseases.
Protein Powerhouse: Nutritional Yeast 5 Ways
I get asked often about nutritional yeast: what is it, do I need it, why should I use it, how should I use it and what brand should I use. Let’s start with the basics for those who aren’t aware of what it is. Nutritional yeast is a deactivated yeast that is sold as a food product and marketed primarily to plant based eaters. Nutritional yeast is made from a single-celled organism called Saccharomyces Cerevisiae, cultivated on molasses, and then harvested, washed, and dried using heat processing to deactivate it. You can find nutritional yeast in individual containers or in the bulk bins of your local health food store.
Which Nuts Are Best For Your Health?
Best nuts for men: Brazil Nuts, Pecans. Brazil nuts are packed with selenium, a mineral that can protect against prostate cancer. Just one nut contains more than a day’s worth, so you don’t need a lot! Pecans are also good for men’s health, because they are loaded with beta-sitosterol, which is a plant steroid that is also promotes prostate health.
10x More Calcium Than Dairy, And It’s Bioavailable!
Seaweeds are the most nutritionally dense plants on the planet. They can contain up to 10 times more calcium than milk and eight times as much as beef. The chemical composition of seaweeds is very close to human blood plasma, which greatly helps build our own blood. Seaweed also has the ability to alkalize the body, and protect us from a wide variety of toxins including heavy metals, by converting them to harmless salts that the body can eliminate.
Enzyme Rich Pineapple Skin Sun Tea
Pineapples are one of the most versatile and nutrient rich fruits we can consume. Most of use stick to eating the sweet, fleshy, nutrient dense part of the pineapple. But did you know that most of the powerful enzyme Bromelain exists mostly in the core and that you can make an incredibly healing tea out of the skin and core combined? Bromelain is important because it helps to improve protein digestion, reduce inflammation and treat indigestion.
Heavy Metals, Toxicity, Proper Bowel Function And The Fiber Myth
Cleansing, Fasting, Detoxing, Parasite Removal, and Proper Bowel Function: How do they all relate, and why are so many people chronically constipated? If you are having fewer than 1 or 2 bowel movements daily, you are constipated. And it is toxicity, not lack of fiber, that is the primary cause of constipation. Most people assume, or have been told, that lack of fiber causes constipation.