Aluminum Toxicity And The Main Sources Of Exposure
By now many of us know the dangers of aluminum exposure. Research has uncovered direct links between aluminum levels in the body and Alzheimer’s, breast cancer, brittle bones, autism (in utero exposure), infertility, and generalized permanent damage to the central nervous system. Aluminum is an estrogen mimicker which imbalances the hormones indirectly leading to hypothyroidism, endometriosis, and many other health issues. Some aluminum facts.
More Potent Antioxidants Than Any Fruit Or Vegetable
Cinnamon should definitely be included in the “superfood” category for many reasons. Did you know that cinnamon has super-antioxidant power, and is several hundred times more potent than any fruit or vegetable? Cinnamon contains: B-complex vitamins, as well as chromium, iron, zinc, and calcium, and in studies it has been shown to help prevent brain tissue damage that leads to Alzheimer’s. The Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease reported that cinnamaldehyde and epicatechin, both found in cinnamon, inhibit the clustering of a protein called tau, which forms lesions in the brain that lead to Alzheimer’s.