Benefits Of Reishi
IMMUNE BOOSTER AND REGULATOR - Reishi significantly improves the functioning of the immune system, and is considered to be an immune modulator. Reishi also contains rare polysaccharides which have been proven to increase the RNA and DNA in the bone marrow.
LIVER HEALTH - Research shows that Reishi can help regenerate the liver. Powerful compounds found in Wild Reishi help to accelerate the clearance of drugs and chemicals that the liver stores, relieving free radical activity and promoting cell regeneration.
6 Important Ways To Detox Your Lymph System
Most of us are familiar with the lymph nodes located in the armpits and the groin, and we may also be aware that swelling of the nodes is a danger signal, bu the average person might not be aware of the importance of regularly detoxing their lymph system. We know that most of our body is made up of water. Part of the water is in the bloodstream, but we have way more fluid in the lymphatic system. Our cells are actually bathed in lymph fluid.
Harmful Toxins In Farmed And Wild Shrimp
Here’s a sobering statistic: In 2012, Americans ate over 1 BILLION pounds of shrimp, and only 10 percent was US farmed and wild caught. Most came from shrimp farms in South America and Asia. The problem? Unregulated shrimp farming practices that result in shrimp contaminated with waste, and treated with FDA banned chemicals and antibiotics. As an evidence based clinical nutritionist, I advocate a vegan low fat diet as the most direct route to health. But surprisingly, many people I speak to consider themselves “vegetarian” or “plant based”, while eating fish and shrimp.
Cure Cancer With Butter And Cow’s Liver
Probably not a book title we will be seeing any time soon. Nor are we likely to see “Reversing Heart Disease with Grass-Fed Pork and Chicken”, or “The Proven Diabetes Cure: How High Fat Meat Based Diets Can Heal Your Type 2 Diabetes.” Yet, we do have many books on how plant based diets have PROVEN to heal cancer, reverse serious heart damage, and permanently heal Type 2 diabetes.
Nutrition For Healthy Beautiful Hair
The beauty, shine, thickness, and overall health of our hair is greatly affected by a variety of factors. Most of us know that excellent nutrition is the foundation for healthy hair. But there are many other issues that can cause thinning, dry, or brittle hair. For example Exposure to black mold, Candida, Parasites, Vitamin Deficiency, Mineral Imbalance, Female issues such as PCOS, Thyroid issues, Excess Stress, Low Iron, etc.
Men And Women: Beware Of Excess Estrogen
Male infertility? Thinking of having a baby? Having trouble removing fat from your midsection? Estrogen dominance is a syndrome that has created a whole new category of health issues from infertility in both men and women, to cancers, to excess weight gain. Estrogen dominance is not only due to our exposure to phthalates and plastics, but also due to chemicals such as atrazine, a crop herbicide, used in our food supply. Sperm counts are dropping, with a 20% drop seen in just one generation, and the highest level of infertility we’ve ever seen.
The Silent Epidemic You Need To Know About
Nutrition is something many people don’t even think about. Until they become sick that is. The problem is that if you have nutritional deficiencies that go on for too long, by the time a problem arises, it may be too late to reverse damage. No more evident is that than in the neurological and other disorders that are related to B12 deficiency. Did you know that all of the following diseases/disorders can be caused by a deficiency in B12? Multiple sclerosis (MS) and other neurological disorders, Depression and anxiety, Heart disease, Alzheimer’s, etc.
High Animal Protein Linked To Early Death From Cancer
“Almost everyone is going to have a cancer cell or pre-cancer cell in them at some point. The question is: does it progress? Turns out one of the major factors in determining if it does is protein intake.” ~ Valter Longo, Lead Researcher at the University of Southern California. Researchers at the USC found that high protein consumption can lead to a much higher risk of death from both cancer and diabetes. Even more frightening is that you don’t even have to be a protein guzzler to suffer the life-threatening affects.
All Disease Begins In The Gut - Hippocrates
It has been said by many health researchers that supporting intestinal health and restoring the integrity of the gut barrier will be one of the most important things we can do for health in the 21st century. Our gut is home to approximately 100 trillion microorganisms — a number our human mind can hardly comprehend. Our gut flora serves so many vital functions including: promoting normal digestive function, providing protection from infection, regulating our metabolism and comprising more than 75% of our immune system!
What You Need To Know About Iron Deficiency And Weight Gain
Did you know that approximately 50% of people who are overweight have impaired iron metabolism, detectable on blood tests? For many of these people, they are getting plenty of iron in their diet. Researchers have found that inflammation associated with excess body weight elevates a hormone in your liver called hepcidin, which has the effect of reducing iron absorption into your body from your digestive tract. The result is a metabolic storm of weight gain, fatigue, and poor thyroid function.
Evidence Based Facts About Oil-Pulling
Every time I see yet another website promoting oil-pulling as a detoxifier, I sigh with amazement at how hoodwinked people can be by misinformation. Oil-pulling, or “kavala graha” is touted as the ultimate “detoxifier”. In the past year I’ve seen articles on oil pulling promoted on many FB pages and websites as a cure for many diseases, and with the ability to pull toxins from the body, cure cancer and help people live to be 140 years old. It has even been described as “miraculous” and “magical”.
The Number One Detox Molecule: Are You Getting It?
Do you know what the single most important molecule you need to stay healthy, support your liver, help prevent aging, cancer, heart disease and dementia is? Glutathione. Glutathione is the most important detoxifying agent in the body, as it allows your body to get rid of undesirable toxins and pollutants. In fact, glutathione is one of the few antioxidant molecules known to neutralize mercury. Both your liver and kidneys contain high levels of glutathione, as they have the highest exposure to toxins on a daily basis.
10 Ways For Men To Increase Testosterone
Testosterone is one of the most important hormones for men, and I’m sure you already know that! But did you know that adequate levels of testosterone are critical to having proper muscle mass and strength, bone density, hair growth, fertility, libido, fat distribution, mental health and energy? Why are the commercials for drugs like Viagra and Levitra coming at us fast and furious? It is because today, so many men above the age of 30 are low, or very low in testosterone due to diet and lifestyle.
How Wheat Damages Our Bodies And Causes Weight Gain
Today’s wheat is not the wheat of our grandparents. Today’s wheat is short, dwarf wheat that has been scientifically bred within the last 50 years to withstand harsh conditions and an onslaught of pesticides. In fact, the person who engineered today’s wheat won a Nobel Prize because his wheat was supposed to solve the world’s huger. Instead, it has contributed greatly to diseases that begin with inflammation. Today’s wheat has much higher amounts of both starch and gluten, as well as double the amount of chromosome coding for new HIGHLY ADDICTIVE proteins.
Coffee, Inflammation And Insulin Resistance
Coffee is not just a cup of caffeine. It is a complex drink with hundreds of different compounds in it. We know that insulin resistance and inflammation are the foundation of most chronic diseases, and coffee contributes to both of those health concerns. If you’re still addicted to that morning coffee, here are 8 things to consider that may change your mind. 1. ADRENAL HEALTH: While a cup of coffee consumed infrequently may not be problem for most people, the constant consumption of coffee taxes your adrenal glands by pumping you full of adrenaline.
6 Candida Friendly Juice And Smoothie Recipes
Sometimes it’s not all about the fruit. At certain times and for a variety of reasons you may want a fruit-free juice or smoothie. I have many clients who are on my Candida Recovery Program, and for them fruit is temporarily off limits. It can be hard at first, especially for people who have an addiction to sugar. I’ve had clients who have sailed through 60 day or longer juice cleanses without a hitch, yet the first three or four days of drinking juices without fruit becomes a true challenge. This is often a key sign that there is an overgrowth of candida fungus.
Dietary Fat Is Still The Culprit Of Disease Despite Internet Myths
Sugar gets the bad rap for everything these days. Especially diabetes. So much so, that people are afraid of fruit. Processed sugars, especially GMO beet sugar and high fructose corn syrup should be avoided. But fruit..that’s another story. Some would have you believe that fruit can be lumped into the same category as other sugars. There are now millions of overweight people literally afraid to eat fruit. But that’s scientifically unsound, and very unfortunate for our health.
The Power Duo Of Sound Sleep
According to research, every hour of sleep you get before midnight is roughly equivalent to two hours of sleep after midnight. At 11:00pm if you are still awake, your body releases a large amount of cortisol because it perceives you are under “stress”. The reason for that is because you are awake during what the body perceives should be rest time. Once the cortisol is released you get a second wind and keep going until the adrenaline is finally calmed down.
Organic Dairy And Autoimmune Disorders
Digestive distress? Bloating? Fatigue? Auto-immune disorder? Autoimmune diseases now affect over 25 million people in the United States alone, and include rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, multiple sclerosis, thyroid disease, inflammatory bowel disease, and more. All of these conditions are linked to one biochemical process: an over-reactive immune response also known as systemic inflammation in the body, where your body attacks its own tissues.
Aluminum Toxicity And The Main Sources Of Exposure
By now many of us know the dangers of aluminum exposure. Research has uncovered direct links between aluminum levels in the body and Alzheimer’s, breast cancer, brittle bones, autism (in utero exposure), infertility, and generalized permanent damage to the central nervous system. Aluminum is an estrogen mimicker which imbalances the hormones indirectly leading to hypothyroidism, endometriosis, and many other health issues. Some aluminum facts.