Why We Eat All Colors Of The Rainbow
We all know that beautifully colored fruits and vegetables are important. But many people aren’t exactly sure which colors are related to which benefits. Here is a handy list you can refer to when you are considering the many health benefits you will get from eating the rainbow!
Get Your Iron And Magnesium In One Of The Most Alkalizing Foods!
Dates are the perfect energizing snack to keep on hand at all times! There are many different varieties, all having slightly different taste and texture. Called the “Tree of Life”, the date palm is thought to be the first cultivated tree in history, having been grown for at least 8,000 years that we know of. Directions for growing date palms are recorded on sun-baked bricks made in Mesopotamia more than 5,000 years ago.
14 Fruits To Eat And Why You Should Eat Them!
Apples – overall tonic and contain pectin, a fiber that’s good for the digestive tract, supports immunity. Research shows apple can lower Alzheimer’s risk. Apples contain vitamin C, copper, magnesium, potassium, iron, manganese, phosphorus, trace minerals. Apricot – rich in beta carotene, vitamin C, vitamin E, B5, copper iron, potassium, fiber.
32 Vegetables And The Reasons You Need To Eat Them!
Artichokes – contain folate, vitamin-C, vitamin K. Are also a rich source of minerals like copper, calcium, potassium, iron, manganese and phosphorus. Arugula – beta carotene, vitamin K, folate, vitamin C, B2, B5, iron, copper, manganese, phosphorus, potassium, calcium, zinc, magnesium, omega 3, omega 6. Asparagus – diuretic, laxative, pre-biotic and thus feeds the good bacteria in the gut, promotes heart health, vitamin C, beta carotene, folic acid, B1, B2, B3, fiber, anti-cancer, great for cleansing the kidneys.
Sweet Potatoes For Immunity!
Sweet potatoes are one of the greatest sources of beta-carotene of all vegetables, even higher than carrots. One small sweet potato contains 369% of your daily need of vitamin A! They are also loaded with vitamin C, potassium, calcium, and carbohydrates, and are a good source of fiber, as well as a rare low-fat source of vitamin E. The Center for Science in the Public Interest ranked sweet potatoes as number one in Vitamins A and C, folate, iron, copper calcium, and fiber.
5 Amazing Reasons To Hurry Up And Get Some Citrus!
Citrus Fruits are AMAZING for health and they are often ignored as some of the more exotic fruits seem to have taken center stage lately. Check out these 5 really important reasons to get citrus into your diet on a regular basis! 1. Rich in compounds called flavonoids, which have anti-cancer properties. Citrus flavonoids can inhibit the growth of cancer cells and prevent the spread of tumors.
8 Alkaline Foods To Inspire You!
Balanced body chemistry is extremely important in order to maintain health, which is one reason consuming a diet high in alkaline foods is important. Acidosis, or over-acidity in the body tissues is one of the primary factors underlying many diseases. Staying alkaline depends on the efficient functioning of our body’s three natural buffering systems, and so we want to do all that we can to support the proper functioning of those systems.
Benefits of Hibiscus Tea
’ve been drinking hibiscus tea for years because it’s delicious and healthy! But now, there are even MORE reasons to enjoy this delicious flower tea. Hibiscus flowers contain a substance called Gossypin, a flavone that has been found to suppress inflammation and cancer. In fact, scientists have now found that gossypin has the ability to totally stop melanoma cells from growing.