Health and Wellness, Healthy Home Guest User Health and Wellness, Healthy Home Guest User

How To Naturally Detox Your Home

Most of us know that our world is increasingly infiltrated by toxins. Toxins truly are everywhere, including in our own homes. In fact, over the last twenty years, more and more consumers have been concerned with health hazards in the home that have been introduced by manufacturers of everyday household products. The average home today contains over 62 toxic chemicals – more than a chemistry lab at the turn of the century.

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Ditch The Toxic Lipsticks

Many people are becoming more conscious of the food they put in their bodies. But what we put ON our bodies is equally important. I know many women who eat incredibly clean and healthy yet continue to use beauty products that are loaded with ingredients that mimic estrogen and are linked to cancer. There are so many ingredients that have the potential to cause harm, but some of the worst offenders are the BHA and BHT commonly found in lipsticks and moisturizers.

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