Men And Women: Beware Of Excess Estrogen
Male infertility? Thinking of having a baby? Having trouble removing fat from your midsection? Estrogen dominance is a syndrome that has created a whole new category of health issues from infertility in both men and women, to cancers, to excess weight gain. Estrogen dominance is not only due to our exposure to phthalates and plastics, but also due to chemicals such as atrazine, a crop herbicide, used in our food supply. Sperm counts are dropping, with a 20% drop seen in just one generation, and the highest level of infertility we’ve ever seen.
High Animal Protein Linked To Early Death From Cancer
“Almost everyone is going to have a cancer cell or pre-cancer cell in them at some point. The question is: does it progress? Turns out one of the major factors in determining if it does is protein intake.” ~ Valter Longo, Lead Researcher at the University of Southern California. Researchers at the USC found that high protein consumption can lead to a much higher risk of death from both cancer and diabetes. Even more frightening is that you don’t even have to be a protein guzzler to suffer the life-threatening affects.
Organic Dairy And Autoimmune Disorders
Digestive distress? Bloating? Fatigue? Auto-immune disorder? Autoimmune diseases now affect over 25 million people in the United States alone, and include rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, multiple sclerosis, thyroid disease, inflammatory bowel disease, and more. All of these conditions are linked to one biochemical process: an over-reactive immune response also known as systemic inflammation in the body, where your body attacks its own tissues.
PCOS and Hormones: Tips You Can Use
PCOS is a very common diagnosis for women of childbearing age, and it can take patience and perseverance to get under control. PCOS Symptoms include weight gain, fatigue, acne, excess facial hair and body hair, dull complexion, fertility problems. It is extremely important for women to manage their PCOS, because it puts women at higher risk for cancer, high blood pressure, diabetes and heart disease.
The Real Truth About Dairy
The truth about dairy milk has been slowly getting out to the general public, despite the challenge in overcoming the aftermath of the wildly successful “Got Milk” ad campaign. The same ad firm that created campaigns for Frito-Lay, Haagen Dazs and Dreyer’s Ice Cream, was hired by the California Milk Processor Board for the Got Milk? campaign.
Leaky Gut and What You Can Do About It
In the past few years I have seen a definite increase in leaky gut in my clients. Also known as hyperpermeability, leaky gut is a syndrome where food travels through the intestinal wall into the abdominal cavity, causing hyperstimulation of the immune system. Leaky gut happens when there is inflammation in the body due to chronic stress, allergies to wheat or dairy, or other causes outlined below. The inflammation causes the spaces between the cells of the gut wall to become larger than usual.