What You Need To Know About Iron Deficiency And Weight Gain
Did you know that approximately 50% of people who are overweight have impaired iron metabolism, detectable on blood tests? For many of these people, they are getting plenty of iron in their diet. Researchers have found that inflammation associated with excess body weight elevates a hormone in your liver called hepcidin, which has the effect of reducing iron absorption into your body from your digestive tract. The result is a metabolic storm of weight gain, fatigue, and poor thyroid function.
10 Ways For Men To Increase Testosterone
Testosterone is one of the most important hormones for men, and I’m sure you already know that! But did you know that adequate levels of testosterone are critical to having proper muscle mass and strength, bone density, hair growth, fertility, libido, fat distribution, mental health and energy? Why are the commercials for drugs like Viagra and Levitra coming at us fast and furious? It is because today, so many men above the age of 30 are low, or very low in testosterone due to diet and lifestyle.
Organic Dairy And Autoimmune Disorders
Digestive distress? Bloating? Fatigue? Auto-immune disorder? Autoimmune diseases now affect over 25 million people in the United States alone, and include rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, multiple sclerosis, thyroid disease, inflammatory bowel disease, and more. All of these conditions are linked to one biochemical process: an over-reactive immune response also known as systemic inflammation in the body, where your body attacks its own tissues.
PCOS and Hormones: Tips You Can Use
PCOS is a very common diagnosis for women of childbearing age, and it can take patience and perseverance to get under control. PCOS Symptoms include weight gain, fatigue, acne, excess facial hair and body hair, dull complexion, fertility problems. It is extremely important for women to manage their PCOS, because it puts women at higher risk for cancer, high blood pressure, diabetes and heart disease.
Your Drinking Water May Be Damaging Your Thyroid
Water. We all know we need to drink more of it for health, detoxification, weight loss and so much more. But did you know that toxins in your water like lead and nitrates can can cause stress to your liver, and that fluoride in your water can be damaging your thyroid, leading to weight gain, fatigue, and depression? Recently, the Environmental Working Group (EWG) reviewed 20 million water-quality tests from the past five years and found that 85 percent of the population is drinking water that contains 316 contaminants. About 200 of those contaminants are not regulated by the Environmental Protection Agency, meaning that municipalities are not required to remove them.