Health and Wellness, Fitness Guest User Health and Wellness, Fitness Guest User

10 Ways For Men To Increase Testosterone

Testosterone is one of the most important hormones for men, and I’m sure you already know that! But did you know that adequate levels of testosterone are critical to having proper muscle mass and strength, bone density, hair growth, fertility, libido, fat distribution, mental health and energy? Why are the commercials for drugs like Viagra and Levitra coming at us fast and furious? It is because today, so many men above the age of 30 are low, or very low in testosterone due to diet and lifestyle.

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Weight Loss, Health and Wellness Guest User Weight Loss, Health and Wellness Guest User

Important News For Thyroid Health

Today, in our predominantly meat eating, processed food consuming society, thyroid impairment is a growing epidemic. Unfortunately, there are so many myths and much confusion about the issue. The thyroid is a small butterfly shaped gland located in the lower part of your neck. It secretes hormones such as: T3 (triiodothyronine) and T4 (thyroxine). The hormones T3 and T4 provide energy to cells in your body.

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Weight Loss, Health and Wellness Guest User Weight Loss, Health and Wellness Guest User

PCOS and Hormones: Tips You Can Use

PCOS is a very common diagnosis for women of childbearing age, and it can take patience and perseverance to get under control. PCOS Symptoms include weight gain, fatigue, acne, excess facial hair and body hair, dull complexion, fertility problems. It is extremely important for women to manage their PCOS, because it puts women at higher risk for cancer, high blood pressure, diabetes and heart disease.

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