What You Need To Know About Iron Deficiency And Weight Gain
Did you know that approximately 50% of people who are overweight have impaired iron metabolism, detectable on blood tests? For many of these people, they are getting plenty of iron in their diet. Researchers have found that inflammation associated with excess body weight elevates a hormone in your liver called hepcidin, which has the effect of reducing iron absorption into your body from your digestive tract. The result is a metabolic storm of weight gain, fatigue, and poor thyroid function.
5 Amazing Reasons To Hurry Up And Get Some Citrus!
Citrus Fruits are AMAZING for health and they are often ignored as some of the more exotic fruits seem to have taken center stage lately. Check out these 5 really important reasons to get citrus into your diet on a regular basis! 1. Rich in compounds called flavonoids, which have anti-cancer properties. Citrus flavonoids can inhibit the growth of cancer cells and prevent the spread of tumors.