Nutrition For Healthy Beautiful Hair
The beauty, shine, thickness, and overall health of our hair is greatly affected by a variety of factors. Most of us know that excellent nutrition is the foundation for healthy hair. But there are many other issues that can cause thinning, dry, or brittle hair. For example Exposure to black mold, Candida, Parasites, Vitamin Deficiency, Mineral Imbalance, Female issues such as PCOS, Thyroid issues, Excess Stress, Low Iron, etc.
PCOS and Hormones: Tips You Can Use
PCOS is a very common diagnosis for women of childbearing age, and it can take patience and perseverance to get under control. PCOS Symptoms include weight gain, fatigue, acne, excess facial hair and body hair, dull complexion, fertility problems. It is extremely important for women to manage their PCOS, because it puts women at higher risk for cancer, high blood pressure, diabetes and heart disease.