Foods For Stress And Anxiety!
So many people experience stress on a regular basis. Chronic Stress affects our state of mind, our ability to properly function, our sleep, and our moods. For many people, chronic stress leads to anxiety which unfortunately takes a heavy toll on the adrenal system. The best remedy overall is to eat a healthy diet with organic foods high in B vitamins, vitamin C, folate, magnesium, and the omega-3 fatty acids which all can help you ward off the more serious effects of stress.
MACA: Super Hormone Helper
Many of you have heard of Maca by now, it’s fairly common to see it in most stores. And, that’s a good thing. Maca is truly a super food in every sense of the word, and the hype is well deserved. Maca is a root that has been used in Peru for a very long time, and is in the radish family. It is considered an adaptogenic root that can help you deal with stress, give you energy, provide hormonal balance and increase physical endurance.
10 Things You Can Do For Daily Detox
Detoxification is the process of cleansing our internal organs from environmental pollutants, food toxins, and toxins like alcohol, medications and parasites. Our bodies are designed to get rid of waste and rely on our colon, liver, lungs, kidneys, skin and lymph glands to do the job.