Turmeric Spice Healing Milk
I’ve been drinking quite a bit of turmeric tea and juice lately. Turmeric is often talked about these days, but few people truly know the amazing benefits of this inexpensive amazing spice. To date, over 5,000 medical studies have found over 600 potential health benefits of turmeric! It’s no wonder it has been used for over 6,000 years. The major benefits of turmeric come from a polyphenol known as curcumin.
Enzyme Rich Pineapple Skin Sun Tea
Pineapples are one of the most versatile and nutrient rich fruits we can consume. Most of use stick to eating the sweet, fleshy, nutrient dense part of the pineapple. But did you know that most of the powerful enzyme Bromelain exists mostly in the core and that you can make an incredibly healing tea out of the skin and core combined? Bromelain is important because it helps to improve protein digestion, reduce inflammation and treat indigestion.
Red Clover For PMS, Heart Health And More
There are so many herbal teas available to us that can truly add amazing healing to our lives. Many people are hesitant to try new herbal teas, and limit themselves to the more common black, green or white teas, and their varieties like chai, earl grey, matcha and perhaps a few common herbal teas like chamomile and yerba mate. But there is a veritable medicine chest of teas available to us in nature, and I would love to share those with you!
Heavy Metals, Toxicity, Proper Bowel Function And The Fiber Myth
Cleansing, Fasting, Detoxing, Parasite Removal, and Proper Bowel Function: How do they all relate, and why are so many people chronically constipated? If you are having fewer than 1 or 2 bowel movements daily, you are constipated. And it is toxicity, not lack of fiber, that is the primary cause of constipation. Most people assume, or have been told, that lack of fiber causes constipation.
6 Steps To A Healthier Liver Now
In our Health Mastery Institute’s Health Coaching Certification Program, we spend more than two full courses on the liver, its functions, its importance to a lifetime of health, its disease process and its cleansing process. The liver is critically important for your overall quality of life. Every day we do things that are causing harm to our livers and in many cases we don’t realize it.
5 Herbs For Powerful Digestive Cleansing
The foundation of any health or healing program begins with a full cleansing of the intestinal tract, because it experiences the most abuse on a daily basis, and it impacts every system in the body. The colon is the main channel of elimination in the body. The vast majority of elimination of toxic waste – including large amounts of E. coli bacteria and parasite larvae – occurs through the digestive tract. If that waste is un-eliminated or only partially eliminated, the effects on the body are profound.
The Dangers of Calorie Restricting
Low – Calorie Dieting equals starvation to your body. Did you know that the World Health Organization established that “starvation begins at fewer than 2100 calories per day”. In the United States, on any given day, half of all women eat less than 1500 calories. This is quite simply not enough food to keep the calorie furnace going.
Juice Fasting For Life
Fasting is a process that has been practiced for thousands of years (perhaps even longer). More recently, all three Fathers of Western Medicine, Hippocrates, Galen and Paraclesus (who concluded, nearly 500 years ago, that: “Fasting is the greatest remedy, the physician within”) practiced and prescribed prolonged fasting.
10 Things You Can Do For Daily Detox
Detoxification is the process of cleansing our internal organs from environmental pollutants, food toxins, and toxins like alcohol, medications and parasites. Our bodies are designed to get rid of waste and rely on our colon, liver, lungs, kidneys, skin and lymph glands to do the job.