The Power Duo Of Sound Sleep
According to research, every hour of sleep you get before midnight is roughly equivalent to two hours of sleep after midnight. At 11:00pm if you are still awake, your body releases a large amount of cortisol because it perceives you are under “stress”. The reason for that is because you are awake during what the body perceives should be rest time. Once the cortisol is released you get a second wind and keep going until the adrenaline is finally calmed down.
Protect Yourself From The Dangers Of Sunscreen
After a couple of comments on the quote I posted about the sun, I realized that there are still those who may be unaware that sunscreen is directly linked to cancer. The sun, and its healing abilities, including but not limited to D3 formation on the skin’s surface, (which does not occur with sunscreen blocking it), HEALS the body. The sun does not harm the body. If you are very fair and go out for hours at once and burn to a crisp and then peel, you can increase your risk of skin cancer.
My Top Ten Tips For Immunity
Many people are getting sick right now with very strong viruses and bacterial infections that are hard to kick once they take hold. Please take care of your immune system, and your LIVER. Those are your best defenses against getting sick. The NUMBER ONE way is to GET SUN ON YOUR SKIN EVERY SINGLE DAY FOR AT LEAST 30 MINUTES so that your body can manufacture adequate D3. Without adequate levels of vitamin D, immune cells produce fewer antibacterial proteins and are less efficient at killing viruses and bacteria.