Rose Petal Spicy Master Cleanse
Many people are familiar with the Master Cleanse, which is a 10 day program wherein you drink nothing but a maple syrup, cayenne and lemon juice mixture. I do not recommend the Master Cleanse as a regimen on its own, because you are not infusing your body with enough calories on a daily basis. This results in a slowing down of the metabolism which can be hard to recover from, particularly for people desiring to lose weight.
Anti-Inflammatory Medicinal Juice
Fennel is one of the most DELICIOUS and powerful ingredients you can juice. In our 66 Day Health Mastery Program, Fennel Forever is one of the favorite recipes in the entire program. BENEFITS OF FENNEL: ~ High in Vitamin C, natural folate, iron, magnesium. ~ Fennel has powerful anti-bacterial or anti-fungal properties.