6 Foods For Stress And Anxiety
Stress and anxiety can seem to be a normal everyday occurrence for many people. So many of us just become accustomed to a high stress level, until it is soon perceived as acceptable. But over time this chronic stress and the resulting constant stream of cortisol creates long term damage including premature aging, weight gain, high blood pressure, and contributes to many other diseases.
True and effective stress management involves many factors including reducing the source of the stress, mind-body practices like chakra balancing, yoga, and meditation, and also includes eating a diet based on foods that naturally help the body handle stress.
Here are six foods that contain nutrients that are natural anti-stress agents and can help heal your body while you work on mind and spirit!
This green superstar is high in folic acid which can help stabilize your mood. When you’re under stress, your body releases hormones that affect your mood. Eating foods with folic acid and B vitamins can help keep your mood steady because they help make serotonin, a chemical that positively affects your mood.
Almonds are a good source of nerve-calming nutrients like Vitamin B2 and E, as well as magnesium and zinc. Like vitamin C, vitamin E has been shown to fight the free radicals associated with stress, specifically those free radicals that cause heart disease.
This often overlooked super-berry is very rich in antioxidants, and in stress-fighting vitamin C.
Yet another food that is loaded with the stress-relieving B vitamins. Broccoli also contains folic acid which can help relieve stress, anxiety, panic, and even depression.
True BLISS in a bite! Raw cacao contains anandamide — a messenger molecule that plays a role in pain, depression, appetite, memory and fertility. It’s name comes from “ananda” the Sanskrit word for BLISS! Raw cacao is also loaded with magnesium, which helps muscles relax, stimulates production of GABA, a neurotransmitter that eases anxiety and nervousness, and helps you fall asleep. It also contains antioxidants that help fight the damage that cortisol does to brain cells and memory. Of course, always be sure that your cacao is raw, dairy free and fair trade. Lots of shady business going on in the cacao industry on the Ivory Coast, so let’s all do our part to source ethical chocolate! ** Awesome Hazelnut Fudge Bars Recipe Here
Cantaloupe is another great source of vitamin C, which is crucial in dealing with stress. Prolonged periods of stress deplete levels of vitamin C in the adrenal glands, so eating lots of vitamin C containing foods is so important for stress and anxiety relief and proper functioning of your adrenals.
De-stress your life, meditate, do some yoga, get some fresh air and sunshine, create the life you want to live, eat well, and THRIVE!