Healthy Foods, Nutrition, Snacks Guest User Healthy Foods, Nutrition, Snacks Guest User

Sweet Potatoes For Immunity!

Sweet potatoes are one of the greatest sources of beta-carotene of all vegetables, even higher than carrots. One small sweet potato contains 369% of your daily need of vitamin A! They are also loaded with vitamin C, potassium, calcium, and carbohydrates, and are a good source of fiber, as well as a rare low-fat source of vitamin E. The Center for Science in the Public Interest ranked sweet potatoes as number one in Vitamins A and C, folate, iron, copper calcium, and fiber.

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Healthy Foods, Nutrition Guest User Healthy Foods, Nutrition Guest User

6 Foods For Stress And Anxiety

Stress and anxiety can seem to be a normal everyday occurrence for many people. So many of us just become accustomed to a high stress level, until it is soon perceived as acceptable. But over time this chronic stress and the resulting constant stream of cortisol creates long term damage including premature aging, weight gain, high blood pressure, and contributes to many other diseases.

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Healthy Kids, Health and Wellness Guest User Healthy Kids, Health and Wellness Guest User

My Top Ten Tips For Immunity

Many people are getting sick right now with very strong viruses and bacterial infections that are hard to kick once they take hold. Please take care of your immune system, and your LIVER. Those are your best defenses against getting sick. The NUMBER ONE way is to GET SUN ON YOUR SKIN EVERY SINGLE DAY FOR AT LEAST 30 MINUTES so that your body can manufacture adequate D3. Without adequate levels of vitamin D, immune cells produce fewer antibacterial proteins and are less efficient at killing viruses and bacteria.

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