Dietary Fat Is Still The Culprit Of Disease Despite Internet Myths
Sugar gets the bad rap for everything these days. Especially diabetes. So much so, that people are afraid of fruit.
Processed sugars, especially GMO beet sugar and high fructose corn syrup should be avoided. But fruit..that’s another story. Some would have you believe that fruit can be lumped into the same category as other sugars. There are now millions of overweight people literally afraid to eat fruit. But that’s scientifically unsound, and very unfortunate for our health.
Dr. Joel Fuhrman has shown in his research and writings that consumption of fruit is DIRECTLY related to increased protection from many of the worst diseases we face today, including diabetes. (see link to his article below)
Fat Is The Culprit Despite Mythology Circulation On The Internet Today
The majority of scientific research today shows a direct causative relationship between high fat consumption and diabetes. Science shows that high-fat diets lead to a sequence of molecular events responsible for the onset and severity of diabetes.
According to the research, a key protein called Bcl10 is needed for free fatty acids — which are found in high fat food and stored in body fat — to impair insulin action and lead to abnormally high blood sugar.
What is VERY eye opening is that even very short-term changes in diet like high-fat eating for only a few days can induce a state of insulin resistance.
Fatty acids cause inflammation and impair insulin action in the liver. The liver is a major target for the harmful effects of free fatty acids, where fatty acids undergo metabolism to produce diacylglycerols prior to causing the inflammatory response.
FAT causes disease. Diabetes, heart disease and cancer can all be liked to too much fat in the diet.
It’s so sad when I hear of people with pre-diabetes or diabetes, or insulin issues, staying away from fruit because they have been convinced that a natural, whole, nutritious, disease preventing food will somehow make them worse. It’s not just that its a myth, it’s a a dangerous myth because it creates more disease.
Excess protein is not much better. Did you know that PROTEIN increases insulin?
People are greatly misled by many un-researched articles and books that suggest people need more protein, and that fruits and starches increase insulin. However:
“One of the greatest distortions of the truth promoted by high-protein diet advocates is that protein causes little or no increase in production of insulin. However, research shows just the opposite. When fed in equal amounts (calories), beef raises insulin more than whole grain pasta, cheese more than white pasta, and fish more than porridge (Am J Clin Nutr 66:1264, 1997).” ~ Dr. John McDougall
THAT’S RIGHT! Beef will RAISE your insulin far more than pasta. Yet, although it’s a scientifically proven statement, that’s not what many people believe.
Whether your diet is 100% raw or mostly cooked, the common enemy is high fat. There are SO many myths circulating out there right now that cholesterol is good, fat isn’t bad etc… Most of those dangerous myths can be traced to one source, the Weston A. Price foundation and its progeny: Sallly Fallon and Mary Enig.
Fallon is the author of a non-scientifically evidenced book called “Nourishing Traditions”. According to Dr. Joel Fuhrman, “Nourishing Traditions is full of bad science and illogical reasoning and its appeal is dependent on people’s ignorance about nutrition. Fallon and Enig perpetuate long-held nutritional myths by referencing the same people who started the myths in the first place.”
Look deeper into any post, article or claim that a high fat diet is healthy, and you will see the names Sally Fallon, Mary Enig, or Weston Price as a source.
What is scary, is that there are even articles in some credible journals, such as a recent article published in the New England Journal of Medicine, that outwardly claim that a Mediterranean diet is much more effective than a “low-fat diet” in preventing cardiovascular disease. However, as Dr. Dean Ornish clears up, a careful reading of the study reveals that this is simply not true. For a clear explanation of how incorrect that article was, see Dr. Ornish’s article here:
Dr. Ornish is a doctor who for 30 years has been working with patients to not only prevent heart disease but to reverse it, and is the only nutritionally based program to be covered by insurance for heart patients. Why? Because it has decades of PROVEN results. His plan? Super low fat (10% or less) and mostly plant based.
OVERWEIGHT? It means you’re overfatting yourself in your diet. Let’s face it, no one got fat eating too many fruits and vegetables. According to Dr. John McDougall, the issue with fat is that it is
“already in the chemical form for storage and is almost effortlessly moved from the fork and spoon to the body’s fat cells (costing only 3% of the calories of the fat). In fact, this transfer is performed so easily that the chemical structure of the dietary fat remains largely unchanged as it is stored; so that chemically analyzed body fat reflects a person’s diet.”
So go eat a nice big beautiful bowl of fruit!