Cure Cancer With Butter And Cow’s Liver
Probably not a book title we will be seeing any time soon. Nor are we likely to see “Reversing Heart Disease with Grass-Fed Pork and Chicken”, or “The Proven Diabetes Cure: How High Fat Meat Based Diets Can Heal Your Type 2 Diabetes.” Yet, we do have many books on how plant based diets have PROVEN to heal cancer, reverse serious heart damage, and permanently heal Type 2 diabetes.
High Animal Protein Linked To Early Death From Cancer
“Almost everyone is going to have a cancer cell or pre-cancer cell in them at some point. The question is: does it progress? Turns out one of the major factors in determining if it does is protein intake.” ~ Valter Longo, Lead Researcher at the University of Southern California. Researchers at the USC found that high protein consumption can lead to a much higher risk of death from both cancer and diabetes. Even more frightening is that you don’t even have to be a protein guzzler to suffer the life-threatening affects.
Dietary Fat Is Still The Culprit Of Disease Despite Internet Myths
Sugar gets the bad rap for everything these days. Especially diabetes. So much so, that people are afraid of fruit. Processed sugars, especially GMO beet sugar and high fructose corn syrup should be avoided. But fruit..that’s another story. Some would have you believe that fruit can be lumped into the same category as other sugars. There are now millions of overweight people literally afraid to eat fruit. But that’s scientifically unsound, and very unfortunate for our health.
Superfood Profile: Everything You Need To Know About Cacao
Countless studies have been done that show that cacao (without added dairy or processed sugar) has a multitude of health benefits. I could literally write an entire paper on the benefits of cacao! Luckily for those of us who enjoy the sublime taste of raw chocolates, there are no scientific studies that have concluded that cacao is unhealthy.
The 5 Power Anti-Inflammatories You Don’t Want To Be Without
Inflammation is often talked about in health circles these days, and with good reason. Inflammation and its contribution to illness should not be overlooked, because it sets the stage for a whole host of common illnesses. In fact, chronic inflammation plays a major role in the development of various neuro-degenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s and Parkinsons, MS and others. Not to mention diabetes and heart disease.
More Potent Antioxidants Than Any Fruit Or Vegetable
Cinnamon should definitely be included in the “superfood” category for many reasons. Did you know that cinnamon has super-antioxidant power, and is several hundred times more potent than any fruit or vegetable? Cinnamon contains: B-complex vitamins, as well as chromium, iron, zinc, and calcium, and in studies it has been shown to help prevent brain tissue damage that leads to Alzheimer’s. The Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease reported that cinnamaldehyde and epicatechin, both found in cinnamon, inhibit the clustering of a protein called tau, which forms lesions in the brain that lead to Alzheimer’s.
Benefits of Hibiscus Tea
’ve been drinking hibiscus tea for years because it’s delicious and healthy! But now, there are even MORE reasons to enjoy this delicious flower tea. Hibiscus flowers contain a substance called Gossypin, a flavone that has been found to suppress inflammation and cancer. In fact, scientists have now found that gossypin has the ability to totally stop melanoma cells from growing.
The Dangers of Calorie Restricting
Low – Calorie Dieting equals starvation to your body. Did you know that the World Health Organization established that “starvation begins at fewer than 2100 calories per day”. In the United States, on any given day, half of all women eat less than 1500 calories. This is quite simply not enough food to keep the calorie furnace going.