Health and Wellness Guest User Health and Wellness Guest User

The Silent Epidemic You Need To Know About

Nutrition is something many people don’t even think about. Until they become sick that is. The problem is that if you have nutritional deficiencies that go on for too long, by the time a problem arises, it may be too late to reverse damage. No more evident is that than in the neurological and other disorders that are related to B12 deficiency. Did you know that all of the following diseases/disorders can be caused by a deficiency in B12? Multiple sclerosis (MS) and other neurological disorders, Depression and anxiety, Heart disease, Alzheimer’s, etc.

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Health and Wellness, Nutrition Guest User Health and Wellness, Nutrition Guest User

Coffee, Inflammation And Insulin Resistance

Coffee is not just a cup of caffeine. It is a complex drink with hundreds of different compounds in it. We know that insulin resistance and inflammation are the foundation of most chronic diseases, and coffee contributes to both of those health concerns. If you’re still addicted to that morning coffee, here are 8 things to consider that may change your mind. 1. ADRENAL HEALTH: While a cup of coffee consumed infrequently may not be problem for most people, the constant consumption of coffee taxes your adrenal glands by pumping you full of adrenaline.

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Health and Wellness Guest User Health and Wellness Guest User

Organic Dairy And Autoimmune Disorders

Digestive distress? Bloating? Fatigue? Auto-immune disorder? Autoimmune diseases now affect over 25 million people in the United States alone, and include rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, multiple sclerosis, thyroid disease, inflammatory bowel disease, and more. All of these conditions are linked to one biochemical process: an over-reactive immune response also known as systemic inflammation in the body, where your body attacks its own tissues.

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Health and Wellness Guest User Health and Wellness Guest User

Leaky Gut and What You Can Do About It

In the past few years I have seen a definite increase in leaky gut in my clients. Also known as hyperpermeability, leaky gut is a syndrome where food travels through the intestinal wall into the abdominal cavity, causing hyperstimulation of the immune system. Leaky gut happens when there is inflammation in the body due to chronic stress, allergies to wheat or dairy, or other causes outlined below. The inflammation causes the spaces between the cells of the gut wall to become larger than usual.

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