Missing This Nutrient Could Be Making You Fat
I’m always recommending that people who want to THRIVE and not just survive, work with a qualified evidence based nutrition practitioner who has devoted their studies to plant based nutrition. In fact, it’s why I created Health Mastery Institute, to train people in science, evidence and facts with research. 26 Extensive Modules of in depth understanding on liver health, detoxification, how the body processes nutrients, micronutrients and macronutrients, adrenal and hormone health, supporting the musculoskeletal system, nutrition through the life stages from birth through old age, and what the nutrition requirements are AT EACH STAGE! People wanted depth of knowledge, and they get it.
Cumin: The Super Spice
I use cumin in my recipes quite often. Not only because I love the taste, but because it is such a healing spice for the digestive system, and works exceptionally well for those suffering from indigestion, bloating, constipation, nausea, and gas. Nutritionally speaking, cumin seeds contain vitamins E, A and B-complex and are an excellent source of zinc, selenium, iron, copper, calcium, and manganese.