If You Love Me, Don’t Feed Me Junk Food
Nutrition plays a critical role in the neurochemical functioning of our children’s brains. Pediatric allergist Ben Feingold, creator of an incredible program for children with hyperactivity, found that 50% of the hyperactivity in his patients was due to consumption of foods containing artificial colorings, flavors, and preservatives. When we look at the scary rise in Ritalin prescriptions being handed out to schoolchildren, it should make us all stop in our tracks.
Missing This Nutrient Could Be Making You Fat
I’m always recommending that people who want to THRIVE and not just survive, work with a qualified evidence based nutrition practitioner who has devoted their studies to plant based nutrition. In fact, it’s why I created Health Mastery Institute, to train people in science, evidence and facts with research. 26 Extensive Modules of in depth understanding on liver health, detoxification, how the body processes nutrients, micronutrients and macronutrients, adrenal and hormone health, supporting the musculoskeletal system, nutrition through the life stages from birth through old age, and what the nutrition requirements are AT EACH STAGE! People wanted depth of knowledge, and they get it.