Cure Cancer With Butter And Cow’s Liver
Probably not a book title we will be seeing any time soon. Nor are we likely to see “Reversing Heart Disease with Grass-Fed Pork and Chicken”, or “The Proven Diabetes Cure: How High Fat Meat Based Diets Can Heal Your Type 2 Diabetes.” Yet, we do have many books on how plant based diets have PROVEN to heal cancer, reverse serious heart damage, and permanently heal Type 2 diabetes.
The Silent Epidemic You Need To Know About
Nutrition is something many people don’t even think about. Until they become sick that is. The problem is that if you have nutritional deficiencies that go on for too long, by the time a problem arises, it may be too late to reverse damage. No more evident is that than in the neurological and other disorders that are related to B12 deficiency. Did you know that all of the following diseases/disorders can be caused by a deficiency in B12? Multiple sclerosis (MS) and other neurological disorders, Depression and anxiety, Heart disease, Alzheimer’s, etc.
How Wheat Damages Our Bodies And Causes Weight Gain
Today’s wheat is not the wheat of our grandparents. Today’s wheat is short, dwarf wheat that has been scientifically bred within the last 50 years to withstand harsh conditions and an onslaught of pesticides. In fact, the person who engineered today’s wheat won a Nobel Prize because his wheat was supposed to solve the world’s huger. Instead, it has contributed greatly to diseases that begin with inflammation. Today’s wheat has much higher amounts of both starch and gluten, as well as double the amount of chromosome coding for new HIGHLY ADDICTIVE proteins.