Nutrition For Healthy Beautiful Hair
The beauty, shine, thickness, and overall health of our hair is greatly affected by a variety of factors. Most of us know that excellent nutrition is the foundation for healthy hair. But there are many other issues that can cause thinning, dry, or brittle hair. For example Exposure to black mold, Candida, Parasites, Vitamin Deficiency, Mineral Imbalance, Female issues such as PCOS, Thyroid issues, Excess Stress, Low Iron, etc.
6 Candida Friendly Juice And Smoothie Recipes
Sometimes it’s not all about the fruit. At certain times and for a variety of reasons you may want a fruit-free juice or smoothie. I have many clients who are on my Candida Recovery Program, and for them fruit is temporarily off limits. It can be hard at first, especially for people who have an addiction to sugar. I’ve had clients who have sailed through 60 day or longer juice cleanses without a hitch, yet the first three or four days of drinking juices without fruit becomes a true challenge. This is often a key sign that there is an overgrowth of candida fungus.
Leaky Gut and What You Can Do About It
In the past few years I have seen a definite increase in leaky gut in my clients. Also known as hyperpermeability, leaky gut is a syndrome where food travels through the intestinal wall into the abdominal cavity, causing hyperstimulation of the immune system. Leaky gut happens when there is inflammation in the body due to chronic stress, allergies to wheat or dairy, or other causes outlined below. The inflammation causes the spaces between the cells of the gut wall to become larger than usual.