Health and Wellness, Nutrition Guest User Health and Wellness, Nutrition Guest User

How Wheat Damages Our Bodies And Causes Weight Gain

Today’s wheat is not the wheat of our grandparents. Today’s wheat is short, dwarf wheat that has been scientifically bred within the last 50 years to withstand harsh conditions and an onslaught of pesticides. In fact, the person who engineered today’s wheat won a Nobel Prize because his wheat was supposed to solve the world’s huger. Instead, it has contributed greatly to diseases that begin with inflammation. Today’s wheat has much higher amounts of both starch and gluten, as well as double the amount of chromosome coding for new HIGHLY ADDICTIVE proteins.

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Healthy Foods Guest User Healthy Foods Guest User

The 5 Power Anti-Inflammatories You Don’t Want To Be Without

Inflammation is often talked about in health circles these days, and with good reason. Inflammation and its contribution to illness should not be overlooked, because it sets the stage for a whole host of common illnesses. In fact, chronic inflammation plays a major role in the development of various neuro-degenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s and Parkinsons, MS and others. Not to mention diabetes and heart disease.

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