Balancing Life, Health and Wellness Guest User Balancing Life, Health and Wellness Guest User

Using The Energy Of The Moon To Balance Your Life

The moon is seen as the ultimate in feminine energy, because the cycles of the moon correspond with the menstrual cycles of women. The moon also controls the tides of the seas and oceans, the feminine flow of the earth. In ancient cultures women would often retreat during the “new moon” phase of their cycle, when estrogen and testosterone are at a low.

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Healthy Home, Health and Wellness Guest User Healthy Home, Health and Wellness Guest User

Toxic Tampons And Your Health

I am passionate about sharing information that can help people stay healthy, and this applies to to everyone. If you’re a man and you have a mom, a sister, a wife, please share this with them. Tampons are typically made of non-organic cotton, rayon, synthetic fibers added to increase absorbency, dyes, fragrances, super-absorbent chemicals. SO WHAT’S THE PROBLEM? The non-organic cotton in tampons have soaked up some of the 55 million pounds of pesticides sprayed on cotton fields in the US each year.

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