What Is Real Right Now?
Eckhart Tolle talks about “the Pain Gap”. The Pain Gap exists when we wish for something different than what reality is. Every time we wish for something to be different than it actually is, we have instant pain. “I wish my spouse were more supportive” “I wish my income was higher” “I wish I was thinner”. Those are all set ups for pain. Because right now, things are exactly as they are. Tolle says to have peace of mind in our lives, we need to live in the present moment and accept what is.
Chakras For Beginners!
Understanding the subtle energy that runs through your body, and how to strengthen it is vital to a peaceful, successful, joyful abundant life. Science has recently begun to realize that reality is not what it seems. Where healing is involved, the ancient traditions of qi gong and acupuncture, among others, are based on the existence of energies that scientific instruments are only now beginning to be able to “see.”
5 Things To Stop Doing To Yourself
We can all be found doing things to ourselves that are not life-affirming, not positive, and that do not enhance our well-being. But sometimes, we’ve been doing these things for so long that we don’t have any way to know that we are doing them, until someone points them out. In some cases, we do know, but we haven’t figured out a way to change. Here are 5 things that many of us do, that block us from true peace and happiness.
Empower Yourself And Live Better
From John Robbins: “I have been asked what has motivated me to take on the medical establishment, to challenge its biases, and to expose its abuses of power. My answer is that I see how much needless harm is being done, and how much better things could be. I see how much healthier and happier people can be when they are educated and able to act wisely and make their own choices regarding their bodies.
Using The Energy Of The Moon To Balance Your Life
The moon is seen as the ultimate in feminine energy, because the cycles of the moon correspond with the menstrual cycles of women. The moon also controls the tides of the seas and oceans, the feminine flow of the earth. In ancient cultures women would often retreat during the “new moon” phase of their cycle, when estrogen and testosterone are at a low.
Overcoming The Need To Be Perfect
On the quest to get healthy, just as in many other goals, one of the biggest barriers to success is the dual theme of procrastination and perfection. Procrastination is often the result of perfectionist thinking. It’s the idea that “if I can’t do this perfect, I’m not doing it. I will wait until it can be perfect.” Perfectionism is one of the most sinister traps that holds many of us back from truly succeeding at our health goals (and many others) because it sounds wonderful and ideal to be “perfect”.
The Only 10 Nutrition Practices You Will Ever Need To Thrive
There are many different areas of health we can focus on, but if we truly want to THRIVE, and not just survive, there are ten areas of focus which will bring your health into balance in a meaningful way. Having a healthy, disease-free body does not have to be difficult. We just need to spend some time understanding what is at the core of true health! These are the principles that are the CORE of our 8 Week Body Reset, and have proven to be incredibly powerful for many people. Try them and let me know how you feel!
Don’t Let True Health Slip Through Your Hands
So many people look back over their lives and realize that for much of it, other people, things, and circumstances were running them, instead of them charting the course of their own happiness. This often results in us not only being robbed of TRUE health and thriving, but of abundance, prosperity, intimacy, and joy. As the end of 2014 draws near, it’s a time where I personally do a lot of healing work, shamanic journeying, and juice fasting.
Crystal Salt Lamps And Why You Need One!
Many people who work indoors, or who live in cities, or who are in their home for most of the day are exposed to excessive amounts of positive ions from computers and other electronic equipment as well as fluorescent lighting. Excessive positive ions lead to stress, agitation and lethargy. Positive ions are also released by: cell phones, televisions, heaters, electric blankets and even man-made fibers in carpets, clothes and furniture.
5 Steps To Be In Harmony With Life
The word harmony often brings up feelings of peace, happiness, and no stress. But how many of us really feel that our lives are in harmony on a daily basis? I know many people who rarely feel like their life is a gently flowing river completely in harmony with all of life itself. Many people convince themselves that they will experience harmony at a later date. Perhaps when their business gets going, when their workload lessens, when they get off the diet they’re on, when they get their mother placed with long term health care, when they graduate school, and many other “when I” ‘s.
The Four Stages Of Evolution
Beyond the obvious fact that many people evolve throughout their lifetimes, Wayne Dyer offers a clear outline of 4 stages of human evolution that we can see in ourselves and in those around us. I love the 4 stages as Dr. Dyer explains them, because I think they can be a very useful guide to point to where we are at this point in time.
Changing To A Healthy Diet Can Challenge Friends and Family
I often hear clients and program members say that there are certain people in their life — family members, friends, or or co-workers, who have concerns with their “changed” eating style. They wonder: where will you get protein? Isn’t this extreme? This seems unhealthy? Don’t you need dairy for calcium? As you all know, there is so much seemingly conflicting information that is presented to people in the media, from their doctor, the internet, and every person who has a “nutrition” related blog (and I use the word nutrition with caution).
Top 5 Tips To Get Kids To Eat Healthy!
As a mother of 2, I know how important it is to get our kids eating healthy from a young age so they can develop lifelong good habits and cultivate a taste for the wonderful delicious array of fruits and vegetables! Here are my 5 Top Tips for getting your kids to eat healthy: 1. Teach your kids about good nutrition from an early age. Even though you think they don’t understand, they really do. It will eventually sink in. ”Avocados have good fat in them that helps your brain work well.” is an example.
If You Love Me, Don’t Feed Me Junk Food
Nutrition plays a critical role in the neurochemical functioning of our children’s brains. Pediatric allergist Ben Feingold, creator of an incredible program for children with hyperactivity, found that 50% of the hyperactivity in his patients was due to consumption of foods containing artificial colorings, flavors, and preservatives. When we look at the scary rise in Ritalin prescriptions being handed out to schoolchildren, it should make us all stop in our tracks.
Trauma, PTSD and Weight Gain
Did you know that women who have experienced trauma, or who have PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder) can gain weight rapidly? And that overall, women with PTSD are more likely to be overweight than women without the disorder?