Amazing Bean Facts And An Awesome Recipe
Some amazing bean facts:
They are a great source of potassium, which reduces risk of high blood pressure and stroke.
Also a good source of folate, which protects against heart disease by breaking down an amino acid called homocysteine. 1 cup of cooked beans provides 264 mcg of folate, more than half the recommended daily intake of 400 mcg. Inadequate amounts of dietary folate can triple the risk of heart attack and stroke. Folate also prevents birth defects, and can reduce the risk of cancer because it plays an important role in healthy cell division and is critical in the repair of damaged cells.
In a large study of almost 10,000 men and women, those who ate beans four or more times a week cut their risk of coronary heart disease by about 20 percent, compared with those who ate beans less than once a week.
Have high cholesterol? Studies show that within 2-3 weeks, diets that include 3 to 4 ounces per day reduce blood cholesterol by 10 percent or more: an effect that can result in a 20 percent decrease in the risk of coronary heart disease.
Beans have the same anti-inflammatory antioxidants —flavonoids and flavonals—found in tea, fruits, grapes, red wine and cacao.
Beans are among the richest food sources of saponins, chemicals that help prevent undesirable genetic mutations.
1 Large Ripe Mango, cut into chunks
1/2 cup black beans (I used organic beans cooked the other night)
2 TBSP. Sweet Maui Onion, diced
1/4 Cup Fresh Cilantro, chopped
2 TBSP. Lime Juice
Toss all ingredients, grab a fork and enjoy!