The Only 10 Nutrition Practices You Will Ever Need To Thrive
There are many different areas of health we can focus on, but if we truly want to THRIVE, and not just survive, there are ten areas of focus which will bring your health into balance in a meaningful way. Having a healthy, disease-free body does not have to be difficult. We just need to spend some time understanding what is at the core of true health! These are the principles that are the CORE of our 66 Day Health Mastery Program and have proven to be incredibly powerful for many people. Try them and let me know how you feel!
1. Alkalinity: Stay Alkaline by making 7 out of 10 choices from foods that promote alkaline metabolism. That includes all fruits and vegetables. Avoid consuming too many acidic foods like animal products, dairy, wheat and grains.
2. Anti–Inflammation: Keep your fats on the moderate to low side, and focus on Omega 3’s from healthy foods like Chia seeds and Flax. Try to reduce Omega 6’s which when consumed too frequently create inflammation in the body. Also, avoid refined sugar as much as possible, and limit processed carbohydrates.
3. Anti–Angiogenesis: This might be a new one for some people. Foods that are “anti-angiogenic” are foods that stop the blood flow to toxic cells (like cancer cells). Foods like apples, tomatoes, red grapes, strawberries, bok choy, blueberries, dark chocolate, cherries, green tea, oranges, lemons, pineapples, garlic, lavender, maitake mushrooms, non-GMO soy and garlic, are among some of the most powerful anti-angiogenic foods.
4. Low Acrylamide: High temperature baking or frying of carbohydrate based foods creates substances known as acrylamides. Acrylamides have been shown to significantly increase our risk of various cancers. Even innocent organic, non-GMO popcorn falls into this category due to the high temperature that the kernel must be heated before “popping”. So, I recommend cutting down or eliminating high temperature cooking, and definitely eliminate frying as a form of cooking. These high temperatures combine with sugars in the carbohydrate foods and create carcinogens that are extremely toxic to the body.
5. Nutrient Density: Focus on the quality of your food, not quantity. Don’t worry about macronutrient ratios of proteins versus carbs versus fats, other than being mindful that your fat intake is on the low end of your daily food intake. Stop worrying about protein. Really. No one is dying in our Western world of too little protein. The diseases that most people succumb to — cancer, diabetes and heart disease — in most cases, are diseases of excess. If you eat a varied diet that is calorically sufficient, you will maintain the right amount of protein.
6. Exercise. Move your body, daily. Walk, rebound, climb stairs, do yoga, go for a swim, jump rope, do push ups. Wherever you are, find a way to get some exercise into your life every day.
7. Herbs and Superfoods: Use according to your needs and desires. Rotate your supply, don’t overspend on these foods, and use them to add to your foundation of healthy eating, never to replace good nutrition. Nothing can take the place of real, whole, vibrant, fresh organic fruits, vegetables, nuts and seeds, but we sure can boost our overall level of thriving with some carefully added superfoods and herbs.
8. Choose Fresh Over Dehydrated: Dehydrated snacks are convenient and usually delicious. As long as they represent a small portion of your diet, and most of what you eat is high water content, fresh, living food, snacks, breads and cookies will add a nice aspect to your overall plan.
9. Advance Preparation: Always have your home and office stocked with healthy choices so you never have to stress. Eat what you want, when you want, from among your healthy choices.
10. Limit Intake of Disease Causing Foods: Foods either promote health or promote disease. If you decide to take disease-causing foods into your body for some reason, be mindful of how much and how often, and also why. Often when we begin down the road of polluting our bodies with toxic foods, even in “moderation”, we become acidic and kick cravings and addictions back into gear. It is possible to then stray from our chosen healthy plan. If you find that you are making these types of choices, evaluate the reasons why, and be honest with yourself about why you feel that it is more important to take in disease promoting foods, rather than continuing to contribute to your health and longevity. As you do this, be prepared for your mind to make up some wild justifications, many which you will have heard in the past.
Remember, your body loves you, so love it back. The most loving choice is to feed your body real food. Come join our supportive online community, we would love to see you there! 66 Day Health Mastery Program.