Empower Yourself And Live Better
From John Robbins: “I have been asked what has motivated me to take on the medical establishment, to challenge its biases, and to expose its abuses of power. My answer is that I see how much needless harm is being done, and how much better things could be. I see how much healthier and happier people can be when they are educated and able to act wisely and make their own choices regarding their bodies.
The Only 10 Nutrition Practices You Will Ever Need To Thrive
There are many different areas of health we can focus on, but if we truly want to THRIVE, and not just survive, there are ten areas of focus which will bring your health into balance in a meaningful way. Having a healthy, disease-free body does not have to be difficult. We just need to spend some time understanding what is at the core of true health! These are the principles that are the CORE of our 8 Week Body Reset, and have proven to be incredibly powerful for many people. Try them and let me know how you feel!
The Four Stages Of Evolution
Beyond the obvious fact that many people evolve throughout their lifetimes, Wayne Dyer offers a clear outline of 4 stages of human evolution that we can see in ourselves and in those around us. I love the 4 stages as Dr. Dyer explains them, because I think they can be a very useful guide to point to where we are at this point in time.
A Supplement Everyone Should Know About
A great addition to the raw food diet to consider is Tocotrienols or Rice Bran Solubles. Have you heard of them? Many people on a raw vegan plan add “tocos” to their list of nutritional support foods. A tocotrienol supplement is actually stabilized rice bran that has been pre-digested and separated from the insoluble fiber. There are at least 100 known antioxidants in tocotrienols including selenium, CoQ10, ALA and others.
How To Naturally Detox Your Home
Most of us know that our world is increasingly infiltrated by toxins. Toxins truly are everywhere, including in our own homes. In fact, over the last twenty years, more and more consumers have been concerned with health hazards in the home that have been introduced by manufacturers of everyday household products. The average home today contains over 62 toxic chemicals – more than a chemistry lab at the turn of the century.
Ditch The Toxic Lipsticks
Many people are becoming more conscious of the food they put in their bodies. But what we put ON our bodies is equally important. I know many women who eat incredibly clean and healthy yet continue to use beauty products that are loaded with ingredients that mimic estrogen and are linked to cancer. There are so many ingredients that have the potential to cause harm, but some of the worst offenders are the BHA and BHT commonly found in lipsticks and moisturizers.
The Splenda Deception
Sucralose (sold as Splenda) is the fastest growing artificial sweetener on the market. It is found in everything from frozen deserts, to sodas, to cookies, gum, and candies. It’s EVEN in prescription drugs! It is also sold in bulk for baking and is in packets for sweetening coffee or tea. Many people on the low-sugar craze have switched to this dangerous toxin.
Protect Yourself From The Dangers Of Sunscreen
After a couple of comments on the quote I posted about the sun, I realized that there are still those who may be unaware that sunscreen is directly linked to cancer. The sun, and its healing abilities, including but not limited to D3 formation on the skin’s surface, (which does not occur with sunscreen blocking it), HEALS the body. The sun does not harm the body. If you are very fair and go out for hours at once and burn to a crisp and then peel, you can increase your risk of skin cancer.
Changing To A Healthy Diet Can Challenge Friends and Family
I often hear clients and program members say that there are certain people in their life — family members, friends, or or co-workers, who have concerns with their “changed” eating style. They wonder: where will you get protein? Isn’t this extreme? This seems unhealthy? Don’t you need dairy for calcium? As you all know, there is so much seemingly conflicting information that is presented to people in the media, from their doctor, the internet, and every person who has a “nutrition” related blog (and I use the word nutrition with caution).
Liana’s 25 Healthy Vegan Snacks For Kids
Snacking is an important part of nutrition for our kids. Most kids don’t get enough nutrition in their “three square meals” per day, and need snacks before or after activities and often in the late afternoon, to keep their minds and bodies healthy and alert. As opposed to 20 years ago, kids today twice as much popcorn, crackers, pretzels and corn chips as they did back then according to a U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) survey of nearly 10,000 children.
Top 5 Tips To Get Kids To Eat Healthy!
As a mother of 2, I know how important it is to get our kids eating healthy from a young age so they can develop lifelong good habits and cultivate a taste for the wonderful delicious array of fruits and vegetables! Here are my 5 Top Tips for getting your kids to eat healthy: 1. Teach your kids about good nutrition from an early age. Even though you think they don’t understand, they really do. It will eventually sink in. ”Avocados have good fat in them that helps your brain work well.” is an example.
My Top Ten Tips For Immunity
Many people are getting sick right now with very strong viruses and bacterial infections that are hard to kick once they take hold. Please take care of your immune system, and your LIVER. Those are your best defenses against getting sick. The NUMBER ONE way is to GET SUN ON YOUR SKIN EVERY SINGLE DAY FOR AT LEAST 30 MINUTES so that your body can manufacture adequate D3. Without adequate levels of vitamin D, immune cells produce fewer antibacterial proteins and are less efficient at killing viruses and bacteria.
If You Love Me, Don’t Feed Me Junk Food
Nutrition plays a critical role in the neurochemical functioning of our children’s brains. Pediatric allergist Ben Feingold, creator of an incredible program for children with hyperactivity, found that 50% of the hyperactivity in his patients was due to consumption of foods containing artificial colorings, flavors, and preservatives. When we look at the scary rise in Ritalin prescriptions being handed out to schoolchildren, it should make us all stop in our tracks.
Missing This Nutrient Could Be Making You Fat
I’m always recommending that people who want to THRIVE and not just survive, work with a qualified evidence based nutrition practitioner who has devoted their studies to plant based nutrition. In fact, it’s why I created Health Mastery Institute, to train people in science, evidence and facts with research. 26 Extensive Modules of in depth understanding on liver health, detoxification, how the body processes nutrients, micronutrients and macronutrients, adrenal and hormone health, supporting the musculoskeletal system, nutrition through the life stages from birth through old age, and what the nutrition requirements are AT EACH STAGE! People wanted depth of knowledge, and they get it.
5 Legit Metabolism Boosters
So many people today suffer from an under-performing thyroid, which greatly reduces metabolism. Unfortunately, most of the products sold on late night infomercials and celebrity doctor shows are just more scams to pry money away from people who are desperate to shed the lbs. Of course, as a clinical nutritionist and person who lost over 100 pounds myself, eating lots of fruits and vegetables and getting daily exercise are a given. But what about when your body is stuck in a mode where the scales won’t budge?
Important News For Thyroid Health
Today, in our predominantly meat eating, processed food consuming society, thyroid impairment is a growing epidemic. Unfortunately, there are so many myths and much confusion about the issue. The thyroid is a small butterfly shaped gland located in the lower part of your neck. It secretes hormones such as: T3 (triiodothyronine) and T4 (thyroxine). The hormones T3 and T4 provide energy to cells in your body.
The Truth About Staying Alkaline
There is a lot of confusion in the area of maintaining an alkaline body, and the role of foods in doing so. Our bodies have 3 built-in systems that regulate blood pH and help prevent it from going outside of the optimum 7.35 to 7.45 range: A buffering system, Exhalation of Carbon Dioxide, and Elimination of Hydrogen Ions through your kidneys.
PCOS and Hormones: Tips You Can Use
PCOS is a very common diagnosis for women of childbearing age, and it can take patience and perseverance to get under control. PCOS Symptoms include weight gain, fatigue, acne, excess facial hair and body hair, dull complexion, fertility problems. It is extremely important for women to manage their PCOS, because it puts women at higher risk for cancer, high blood pressure, diabetes and heart disease.
The Real Truth About Dairy
The truth about dairy milk has been slowly getting out to the general public, despite the challenge in overcoming the aftermath of the wildly successful “Got Milk” ad campaign. The same ad firm that created campaigns for Frito-Lay, Haagen Dazs and Dreyer’s Ice Cream, was hired by the California Milk Processor Board for the Got Milk? campaign.
Find Out If Your Adrenals Are Over-Worked
Do you experience any of the signs of adrenal fatigue? Difficulty getting up in the morning? Never feeling well-rested, even after sleep? Nocturnal waking? Anxiety, nervousness, mild depression?