Balancing Life Guest User Balancing Life Guest User

5 Things To Stop Doing To Yourself

We can all be found doing things to ourselves that are not life-affirming, not positive, and that do not enhance our well-being. But sometimes, we’ve been doing these things for so long that we don’t have any way to know that we are doing them, until someone points them out. In some cases, we do know, but we haven’t figured out a way to change. Here are 5 things that many of us do, that block us from true peace and happiness.

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Balancing Life, Health and Wellness Guest User Balancing Life, Health and Wellness Guest User

Empower Yourself And Live Better

From John Robbins: “I have been asked what has motivated me to take on the medical establishment, to challenge its biases, and to expose its abuses of power. My answer is that I see how much needless harm is being done, and how much better things could be. I see how much healthier and happier people can be when they are educated and able to act wisely and make their own choices regarding their bodies.

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