Empower Yourself And Live Better

woman sitting on beach with hands above head in prayer

From John Robbins:  “I have been asked what has motivated me to take on the medical establishment, to challenge its biases, and to expose its abuses of power. My answer is that I see how much needless harm is being done, and how much better things could be. I see how much healthier and happier people can be when they are educated and able to act wisely and make their own choices regarding their bodies.

Freedom of choice is essential to the American way of life, and I believe that people ought to have a right to do with their bodies what they want to do, as long as they aren’t hurting anyone else. There are many conditions that can best be treated by standard medicine, including trauma, medical and surgical emergencies, bacterial infections, and certain mechanical difficulties.

But there are many other conditions, including most forms of cancer, viral infections, allergic and autoimmune disorders, and most chronic degenerative diseases, that are more effectively handled with alternative approaches. To my eyes, the monopolization of health care by the medical-pharmaceutical-complex not only violates our rights to health freedom. It drains us of our potential for wholeness and healing by slighting the power of the human body to restore itself, and by rejecting the value of natural medicine.” ~ Author, John Robbins

Free yourself today, and be empowered. Just start small if that’s all you can handle. Add some fresh organic fruits and veggies to your day, each day. Decide which of the processed foods to get rid of first, soda? Packaged cookies and cakes with hydrogenated palm oil? Artificial sweeteners? You DESERVE to feel and look amazing and to thrive in this life. You have so much to share with the world and it’s a lot easier to do that when you feel good and have lots of energy to spare.  If you want help and support on your journey, join our Health Mastery Community with our 66 Day Health Mastery Program!


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