Top 5 Tips To Get Kids To Eat Healthy!
As a mother of 2, I know how important it is to get our kids eating healthy from a young age so they can develop lifelong good habits and cultivate a taste for the wonderful delicious array of fruits and vegetables! Here are my 5 Top Tips for getting your kids to eat healthy:
1. Teach your kids about good nutrition from an early age. Even though you think they don’t understand, they really do. It will eventually sink in. ”Avocados have good fat in them that helps your brain work well.” is an example.
2. Go through your refrigerator and pantry to determine what positive changes you could make. Get your kids to help out. As you become more and more aware of which foods are unhealthy, just slowly remove them from your home. Always keep healthy snacks on hand.
3. Involve kids in meal-planning and grocery shopping. Take
them to your farme’s market so they can learn about different foods and make them part of the decision-making. Children look to us as role models, and if they see us trying to become healthier, they will also be more encouraged to change.
4. Try to make it fun! Bring your kids into the kitchen whenever possible, peeling, picking leaves off of herbs, chopping (with age appropriate knives), or anything else that would be fun.
5. Be persistent but not insistent when offering healthier foods. Sometimes parents may give up a little too easily when it comes to trying out new foods with our kids. It can take anywhere from eight to fifteen exposures before a child likes a new taste.