5 Ingredient Acai Mint Chia Pudding

2 small jars of purple acai chia seed pudding topped with mulberries and sliced almonds, on a golden plate.

I’m still on a blue and purple fruit simple food theme this week! We all need more purple in our diets and lives! This acai mint chia pudding is so super easy to make, and the flavor combination is incredible. You can skip the vanilla if you don’t have vanilla powder or fresh vanilla beans. I definitely do not recommend using vanilla extract here.

Did you know these facts about chia?

1. Chia is the richest natural plant source of omega-3 fatty acids.
2. Chia is cholesterol free, unlike fish oils.
3. Chia is sustainable and environmentally friendly.
4. Chia can be stored for a year.
5. Chia can help reduce cholesterol levels, joint pain, and weight (due to the fiber).
6. Chia provides increased energy and endurance.

Here’s the recipe:

  • 1/4 Cup Chia Seeds

  • 3/4 Cup Coconut Milk or Almond Milk

  • ½ teaspoon vanilla powder

  • 1 pack acai

  • 3 fresh mint leaves

Mix everything in blender EXCEPT chia seeds. Add wet mixture to Chia seeds in a bowl. Wait a few minutes and stir again. Refrigerate one hour. Enjoy!


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