5 Ingredient Acai Mint Chia Pudding
I’m still on a blue and purple fruit simple food theme this week! We all need more purple in our diets and lives! This acai mint chia pudding is so super easy to make, and the flavor combination is incredible. You can skip the vanilla if you don’t have vanilla powder or fresh vanilla beans. I definitely do not recommend using vanilla extract here.
Pina Colada Mood Balancing Smoothie
INGREDIENTS: 1 cup pineapple (fresh or frozen), 2 frozen bananas, 1 tsp vanilla bean powder (or vanilla extract), 1/4 cup fresh coconut, 1 tsp. maca powder, 1 cup coconut water. Blend and enjoy!
Spiced Mango RawganicVegan Ice Cream
This is dinner. Well, tonight it is. It is super hot and humid, and raw ice cream is a perfect refreshing and nutritious choice. Filling too! You can make many different variations, I happen to love the combination of star anise with mango. The cinnamon gives it a little added depth.
Peaches and Creme Smoothie
“PEACHES”: 1 Cup frozen organic peaches, 1/2 carrot, 1/2 cup almond milk, 1 TBSP. coconut nectar (or sweetener of choice), Ice. Blend and pour into glass. CREME: 1 Frozen ripe banana, 2 vanilla beans scraped out (or 1 1/2 tsp pure vanilla), 1 TBSP. Lucuma, 1 tsp. non-gmo soy lecithin, 1 TBSP Coconut butter, 1/2 cup water, Ice. Blend and scoop out of blender onto PEACHES!
Super Turmeric Orange Smoothie
This smoothie is packed with incredible anti-inflammatory and immune-boosting nutrients, plus it tastes creamy, sweet and savory all at the same time. You are going to want to add this to your rotation of favorite recipes! Turmeric is finally getting the praise and recognition it deserves in the world of superfoods. While many cultures have appreciated this life-giving spice for centuries, many people are relative newbies to the healing powers of turmeric.
Cabbage Juice: The Anti-Cancer Wonder!
When you know that a vegetable has anti-cancer properties, it should pique your interest. WHY? Because we encounter multiple cancer-causing elements daily. It’s not new news that 1 in 2 people are being diagnosed with cancer in North America, Europe and Australia. So eating well is how we fight back. Being aware and conscious of what we ingest on a daily basis goes a long way towards health.
Afternoon Energy Detox Superdrink
This is one of the easiest, healthiest, energy-supporting drink you can make. It’s a perfect afternoon “pick me up”, and also excellent for pre-workout fuel, as well as post workout recovery. Three simple ingredients are all you will need: 1. 2 cups of organic Coconut Water. 2. 1 Tablespoon of Chia Seeds. 3. 1 Tablespoon of a pure Green Powder (my favorite is Vitamineral Green).
3 Perfect Juices To Heal Constipation
When the bowel is clogged, your body is toxic. It is important that your body eliminate waste at least once a day, and ideally twice a day. If you are experiencing issues of constipation, you may be dehydrated, consuming too many refined foods, or not consuming enough fruits every day. Of course, there is a large list of medications that also contribute to constipation which can become dangerous.
Rose Petal Spicy Master Cleanse
Many people are familiar with the Master Cleanse, which is a 10 day program wherein you drink nothing but a maple syrup, cayenne and lemon juice mixture. I do not recommend the Master Cleanse as a regimen on its own, because you are not infusing your body with enough calories on a daily basis. This results in a slowing down of the metabolism which can be hard to recover from, particularly for people desiring to lose weight.
Orange Power
We drink a lot of citrus juices in the Rawganic house, mostly with fresh organic fruit picked from our own trees. There are so many benefits to orange juice, and it combines incredibly well with pineapple, lime, ginger and also carrots. Be aware that pasteurized orange juice from the store is never a good substitute, even if the juice is labeled “100% orange juice” or “100% pineapple juice” or “100% apple juice” followed by the words “not from concentrate”.