Orange Power
We drink a lot of citrus juices in the Rawganic house, mostly with fresh organic fruit picked from our own trees. There are so many benefits to orange juice, and it combines incredibly well with pineapple, lime, ginger and also carrots. Be aware that pasteurized orange juice from the store is never a good substitute, even if the juice is labeled “100% orange juice” or “100% pineapple juice” or “100% apple juice” followed by the words “not from concentrate”.
The truth is that these juices are NOT 100% juice, for almost ALL commercial brands. It is marketing deception at it’s finest, with a legal loophole. Corporations are legally able to mislabel their products because the additives that go into these “juices” are trademarked and are therefore protected by law and are not required to be disclosed. The reality behind pretty much all commercially packaged juices, regardless of what it says on the label, is that these juices are stored for up to one year before being bottled and sold.
The oxygen is removed from the juice to prevent it from going bad, which also removes aroma. This aseptic storage means that it also has no flavor. To correct that obvious problem, flavor packs developed by flavor and fragrance companies are added back in before being bottled and sold. Of all the brands contacted in a large study, Whole Foods’ “365,” was the only one who provided a written response saying that they do not include flavor packets in their juices, nor do they use long-term storage tanks before shipping juice to customers. I highly recommend the book “Squeezed: What you don’t know about orange juice” by Yale Researcher Alissa Hamilton, for more information on the corporate deception behind the orange juice industry.
But here are some amazing reasons to include fresh pressed raw orange juice into your diet!
Vitamin C which is abundant in oranges has been shown to be an effective blood detoxifier. It can help decrease plaque in artery walls, decreasing the risk of stroke. Vitamin C can also lower blood pressure, ultimately lowering risk of heart attacks and atherosclerosis. Orange peel has been shown to contain oils that can help lower bad cholesterol in the body.
A carotenoid found in oranges has been linked to protection against lung cancer. Studies have shown that smokers who ate an orange a day have a 37 percent lower risk of lung cancer than smokers who do not consume oranges. The high level of vitamin C is also proven to protect the mucus membranes of the respiratory tract and lining of the lungs.
Oranges, particularly the peels, contain a high amount of pectin, a carbohydrate found naturally in fruit used to make jams and jellies because it creates a gel-like consistency when heated. When you consume pectin, it contributes to the health of your intestines, helping healthy bacteria grow. Pectin also prevents unhealthy pathogens from clinging to your intestines.
So enjoy some fresh orange juice! My favorite current recipe:
1/2 pineapple
5 oranges
handful of parsley