Perfect And Cheap Homemade Probiotics
We all know that probiotics are extremely important for health. The gut microbiome is our storehouse for the immune system with about 70% of our immune system being stored in the gut. So many people are suffering with gut microbiome imbalances and as a result, have chronic constipation (moving the bowels less than 2 times per day), or alternate between constipation and diarrhea.
Cabbage rejuvelac is a perfect natural and CHEAP way to get powerful probiotics into your diet. I highly recommend making this rejuvelac and doing a three month course of it once per year. The reason this is a much better option than the latest fermenting craze, is because with rejuvelac, you are making a fresh batch every three days. It is powerful, inexpensive and will help regulate your bowels in no time at all.
Homemade cabbage rejuvelac.
3 Cups Loosely Packed Chopped Organic Green Cabbage
1 3/4 Cups Purified or Distilled Water
Blend for about 45 seconds until liquified.
Pour into mason jar, cover loosely, and let sit for exactly 72 hours.
When done, strain through milk bag, discard cabbage dregs.
Take 1/4 cup from this batch, and pour into a clean mason jar.
Pour remainder into a storage jar to drink and be refrigerated.
Immediately make your second batch. Take 3 Cups loosely packed cabbage again, but this time you only need 1 1/2 cups water. Blend until liquefied. Pour into mason jar containing the 1/4 cup of finished brew.
Pour into mason jar containing 1/4 cup of finished brew.
Shake jar vigorously, then loosen cover.
****Each batch from now on only requires 24 hours to ferment. Follow this process every 24 hours.
Drink 1/2 cup 3 times per day.
It should taste slightly sour, a little tangy and almost a little carbonated.