Enzyme Rich Pineapple Skin Sun Tea
Pineapples are one of the most versatile and nutrient rich fruits we can consume. Most of use stick to eating the sweet, fleshy, nutrient dense part of the pineapple. But did you know that most of the powerful enzyme Bromelain exists mostly in the core and that you can make an incredibly healing tea out of the skin and core combined?
Bromelain is important because it helps to improve protein digestion, reduce inflammation and treat indigestion. In some studies, Bromelain has also been shown to help prevent blood clotting and to fight against viral and bacterial activity in the human body. So, as often as you can, especially during cold and flu season, juice some pineapple (don’t forget the core), or make one of these two incredibly healing teas.
To make the Enzyme Rich Pineapple Skin Sun Tea, it really doesn’t get much easier than this:
Combine the skin and core of one pineapple in a glass jar or pot that has a lid. (caution: do not use plastic as the strong enzymatic action of the bromelain can break down toxins in plastic containers). Cover the pineapple skin and core with fresh pure water. Place the jar outside in the sun, and leave out there for several hours until the water turns yellow. Strain the tea, chill completely and drink, or add some organic coconut nectar or yacon syrup to add a touch of sweetness.
During winter time, if you are in a location that freezes, sun tea is probably not an option! But you can still make an incredibly healing tea using the skins. This one is a natural remedy that is used by many people as an immunity booster and blood purifier. To make this pineapple skin tonic, you will need:
Skin of one whole pineapple
1/2 cinnamon stick broken into pieces (be sure to use Ceylon only, Cassia can lead to liver damage)
10 cloves
Boil the rind and the cinnamon stick pieces for 30 minutes in 2 quarts of water
Add cloves to the pineapple water in the last 10 minutes.
Turn off heat, and let water sit for 15 minutes.
Strain, add a sweetener like coconut nectar if you like, and serve warm or cold.
To get the most benefit from this tea in terms of immunity and blood health, drink one cup three times per day for two weeks.