Health and Wellness, Nutrition Guest User Health and Wellness, Nutrition Guest User

Antibacterial Products Increase Fat Cell Growth

Still using antibacterial soap and handwipes? I hope not! For years now we have all been running and hiding from bacteria and trying at every instance to kill it. But now science has determined that we can’t live without it. One bacteria, for example, has the ability to produce 260 different enzymes that help us digest carbohydrates and extract their nutrients! Importantly, our bodies do not have the genes to produce the enzymes. So if you don’t have the bacteria you will not extract the nutrients from the food.

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Weight Loss, Healthy Foods Guest User Weight Loss, Healthy Foods Guest User

Cumin: The Super Spice

I use cumin in my recipes quite often. Not only because I love the taste, but because it is such a healing spice for the digestive system, and works exceptionally well for those suffering from indigestion, bloating, constipation, nausea, and gas. Nutritionally speaking, cumin seeds contain vitamins E, A and B-complex and are an excellent source of zinc, selenium, iron, copper, calcium, and manganese.

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Weight Loss, Health and Wellness Guest User Weight Loss, Health and Wellness Guest User

Very Serious Reasons Why You Need D3 Right Now

There has been a lot of buzz lately about our need for the “sunshine vitamin” D3. But truly, how many of you are supplementing in high enough doses to make a health difference? I am writing this to urge and encourage you to do at least one thing for you health that will bring dramatic changes to your overall wellbeing, and that is supplementing with a high quality plant based D3.

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Juices, Weight Loss, Detox Guest User Juices, Weight Loss, Detox Guest User

Juice Fasting For Life

Fasting is a process that has been practiced for thousands of years (perhaps even longer). More recently, all three Fathers of Western Medicine, Hippocrates, Galen and Paraclesus (who concluded, nearly 500 years ago, that: “Fasting is the greatest remedy, the physician within”) practiced and prescribed prolonged fasting.

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